Page results
This is information for women about medical management after an ultrasound diagnosis of a miscarriage.
Patient information for patients undergoing Image Rehearsal Therapy (IRT).
This page is for patients who are receiving radiotherapy to the bladder. It explains what the treatment involves, describes side-effects you may experience during and after treatment, and how best to cope with them.
In partnership with Camden MSK, our department has agreed to provide ultrasound-guided joint and soft tissue injections to patients referred by the Camden community MSK services.
This clinic is for asymptomatic travellers (individuals with no current symptoms) who have travelled to a tropical destination and are worried about certain infections.
Mindfulness patient information.
This patient information explains an inguinal gonadectomy.
This patient information explains laparoscopic gonadectomy.
This information leaflet is about longitudinal vaginal septums.
This patient information is about obstructed hemi-vaginas.
File results
FOI/2024/0690 - Mechanical transport ventilation/ ventway sparrow transport ventilator
FOI/2024/0691 - Information distributed to pregnant/ post-partum women for infant feeding
FOI/2024/0692 - Integrated Care Board (ICB) expenditure sign-off process 2023/24
FOI/2024/0693 - Patients overhead or ceiling track hoists portable/ mobile hoists installed
FOI/2024/0695 - Air filtration used/ air exchange rate across Trust
FOI/2024/0742 - CIO and Chief Data Officer staff contact details/ data tools and technologies/ spend
FOI/2024/0745 - Infrastructure risks, repairs, failure. Wait times, bed/admission capacity, maternity units and mortuary space 2019-2024
FOI/2024/0744 - Software solution for collection and management of patient observations-data in ICU/ anaesthesia
FOI/2024/0743 - Maternal deaths/ stillbirths/ intrapartum deaths/ births with confirmed or suspected hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy for 2021-2023
FOI/2024/0750 - Spend on law firms for services related to maternity and neonatal care 2021-2023