Page results
Postnatal care should be a continuation of the care the woman has received through her pregnancy, labour and birth and take into account the woman’s individual needs and preferences.
Information for patients and visitors on patient isolation.
A UCLH patient with a rare hormonal condition is the first in the world to receive a new investigational drug in a first-in-human trial.
A directory of UK organisations which provide specialist support to anyone affected by cancer or a blood condition
As an organisation, UCLH needs to minimise the environmental impact of our buildings and the energy they use and maximise our use of any technology available to support these changes. This page outlines our progress to date.
Find & Treat's new prototype Eco-Tricycle will visit parks, hostels, soup kitchens, be able to arrive under bridges or other street outreach locations to screen homeless patients for infectious diseases and more.
This information is for patients who have attended the emergency department with an undisplaced or minimally displaced fracture (broken bone) at the base of your 5th metatarsal.
Tasnim tells us about her experience training with the Pharmacy team at UCLH and how their support has encouraged her to pursue this career.
This leaflet explains the support a transition coordinator at the Adolescent Rheumatology Department provides, and how they can help.
Today we are launching the new UCLH strategy for 2023-2027. Developed with staff, patients and key partners, the strategy sets the future direction of UCLH over the next five years.
File results
FOI/2024/0690 - Mechanical transport ventilation/ ventway sparrow transport ventilator
FOI/2024/0691 - Information distributed to pregnant/ post-partum women for infant feeding
FOI/2024/0692 - Integrated Care Board (ICB) expenditure sign-off process 2023/24
FOI/2024/0693 - Patients overhead or ceiling track hoists portable/ mobile hoists installed
FOI/2024/0695 - Air filtration used/ air exchange rate across Trust
FOI/2024/0742 - CIO and Chief Data Officer staff contact details/ data tools and technologies/ spend
FOI/2024/0745 - Infrastructure risks, repairs, failure. Wait times, bed/admission capacity, maternity units and mortuary space 2019-2024
FOI/2024/0744 - Software solution for collection and management of patient observations-data in ICU/ anaesthesia
FOI/2024/0743 - Maternal deaths/ stillbirths/ intrapartum deaths/ births with confirmed or suspected hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy for 2021-2023
FOI/2024/0750 - Spend on law firms for services related to maternity and neonatal care 2021-2023