Page results
This page explains what vaginal dilation therapy is and includes a step-by-step guide to how it should be performed. If you have any questions, please talk to your healthcare team.
The service includes diagnosis, quantifying the degree of hearing loss, and rehabilitation of hearing impairment to limit participation restriction.
Paediatric audiology is based at the Royal National ENT & Eastman Dental Hospital. The service provides Audiological assessments for children ranging from new-borns to 18 year olds.
We are a specialist psychological team situated within the paediatric Audio-Vestibular Medical Services. We work psychologically with children, young people and their families who experience AVM conditions and also particular types of referrals, specifically tinnitus, hyperacusis and misophonia, from outside the hospital.
UCLH works in partnership with GPs in Barnet and Enfield to provide a community based ear, nose and throat (ENT) service. The Community ENT service provides specialist advice and treatment for a range of minor ENT conditions.
The fertility laboratory provides three main services. Semen analysis to test fertility, storage of semen samples and processing of semen samples for IUI treatments.
This page explains the use of botulinum toxin in the management of facial weakness and synkinesis as part of treatment process in the complex facial clinic.
The pancreatobiliary department at UCLH is one of few centres in the UK to provide a patient-centred, comprehensive advanced interventional endoscopy service for diseases of the pancreas and biliary tree.
Information about energy conservation for UCLH patients with mitochondrial disease.
Information about the integrated cancer care service at the Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine.
File results
FOI/2024/0697 - Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)/ attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and mental health services
FOI/2024/0702 - Community respiratory service mapping/ community-based bronchiectasis services
FOI/2024/0703 - Neurofibromatosis type 1 treatment/ volume of medication dispensed
FOI/2024/0716 - Toxicological screening/ testing/ training and information to patients
FOI/2024/0720 - Motion picture licensing corporation
FOI/2024/0719 - Tenders and prices for interpretation services
FOI/2024/0718 - Mental health/ electronic health records software/ dermatology screening/ imaging services/ medical devices for wound care
FOI/2024/0616 - Never events involving Medical Associate Professionals (MAPs) from 2021/22-2023/24
FOI/2024/0712 - Occupational health services, spend/ in-house/ outsourced 2021/22-2023/24
FOI/2024/0709 - Number of dilation and curettage operations for miscarriages 2019-2024