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This page explains what you can expect after you have been referred to the Lymphoedema Service at University College London Hospitals (UCLH) for a face-to-face appointment.
Muscle weakness can be common after major surgery or a long stay in hospital. Resistance exercises improve strength and endurance, helping a faster return to normal activities.
Bones marrow harvest patient information page.
This leaflet has been written by the Huntington’s team at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery. It is intended for patients (and their families or carers) who are under the care…
Patient information on managing pain
File results
Council of Governors meeting papers - 31 October
Consultant - to -consultant referral form
UCLH Provider to Provider Tariff 2019-20
What young people would like everyone to know about Type 1 Diabetes
Reverse mentoring
FOI/2020/0572 - Inflamatory bowel disease staff contact details
FOI2017294 Contactors and subcontractors working on the Phase 4 and proton therapy beam
FOI/2020/0589 - Senior staff contacts for CEO, Director of Innovation and Chief Pharmacist
FOI/2020/0630 - CEO, Operations Director and Health and Safety Director contact details
FOI2017333 Midwifery contacts for accessing return to practice placements