New study to evidence outcomes for marginalised children
11 March 2025
Publish date: 09 September 2021
The emergency department at University College Hospital is set to undergo an ambitious refurbishment project of the resuscitation (resus) area.
This will see the creation of four negative pressured cubicles to safely treat patients requiring resuscitation level care, regardless of infectious status, such as with COVID-19.
These works will improve clinical specification, infection isolation, patient privacy, and appearance. There will be a comprehensive ventilation balance between each individual resus cubicle, the remaining resus area and all the surrounding areas, so that all patients and members of staff remain protected.
Currently, patients with a potential infection status are mostly treated in majors cubicles with appropriate resus equipment, but this refurbishment will mean all critical patients can be treated in the resus room and allow normal majors flow.
The work will start at the beginning of August and is envisaged to take eight weeks, ahead of winter. During this time, please follow current procedures for patients who are COVID-19 positive or query COVID-19.
While the work is underway, we have a number of mitigations in place to ensure patients can still get the best care. We will:
Tania Leal, clinical projects manager for the emergency services division, said: “This will mean that we can provide appropriate resuscitation facilities in the ED to protect patients and staff in the peri and post COVID-19 era, future proofing the department.
“We would like to thank all staff for their understanding while the work is underway. We are informing our partner organisations to make them aware of the changes.”
If you have any questions or concerns, please speak to your line manager.
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