Publish date: 15 February 2022

You now need a registered site administrator to  access EpicCare Link UCLH for your practice or service. If your site doesn’t have a registered administrator, you may lose access to EpicCare Link UCLH.

For continued access, please nominate your site administrator (e.g. practice manager). To request a Site Administrator go to the EpicCare Link UCLH login. Select New Account and select role like Non-clinician or Clinical staff. Then at the bottom of request form is a tick box for "Make this user a site administrator". 

Your site administrator is responsible for: 

  1. Deactivating user accounts when people leave your practice and therefore should no longer have access.
  2. Routinely verifying on the system if people at your practice should still have access to EpicCare Link. 
  3. Checking that people accessing EpicCare Link match the criteria agreed for the purpose of use when your site was registered on the system.
  4. Resetting passwords as needed for your service/practice/site.
  5. Requesting new accounts for your practice.

Your registered EpicCare Link site administrator can also request enhanced access for existing users by completing this form.

For more information on the role of a site administrator, please download the EpicCare Links Site Administrator guide.
