Information alert

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This page explains the type of care we offer in the Supportive Care Unit at the University College Hospital Macmillan Cancer Centre. If you have any questions, please speak to the team looking after you.

The Supportive Care unit provides different treatments for people with cancer and blood conditions. Treatments may include chemotherapy, immunotherapy, blood transfusions or IV (intravenous) line care.

We have a mix of beds and treatment chairs in the unit. You will be assigned a chair or a bed, based on your medical needs and how long your treatment will take.

The unit is open from 8am to 8pm, with the appointments starting at 8.15am. The last blood test or line care appointment is at 7.45pm.

Long treatments are scheduled to start between 8.15am and 9am, or 1pm and 2pm. This way, we have enough time to finish your treatment safely.

A team of experienced nurses and nursing assistants will care for you during your visit. 

If you need urgent care, doctors and advanced nurse practitioners are also available. Advanced nurse practitioners have special training to care for patients with more complex health needs. 

A senior nurse is always on duty. You can ask to speak to them if you have any concerns.

The unit is on the 4th floor of the Cancer Centre.  

Take the Garden Lift to the 4th floor and report to the reception staff when you arrive. They will: 

  • check you in  
  • give you a wristband 
  • ask you to sit in the waiting area.  

Please make sure you arrive on time. The reception staff can check you in up to 15 minutes before your appointment. Patients are seen based on their appointment times, not when they arrive.  

Please call our reception staff on 020 3447 1808 if:  

  • you are running late. If you are more than 30 minutes late, we may need to reschedule your appointment. 
  • you need to change or cancel your appointment. 

Please note:

If you are unsure why you are waiting, or if your appointment is more than 30 minutes late, please speak to the receptionist.

Some treatments can take longer to prepare than others. This is why you may wait longer than other patients.

Sometimes, delays in starting treatment happen when we are waiting for test results, prescriptions, or treatments to be made up.

Please avoid entering the treatment areas to ask the nursing staff about delays, unless it is an emergency.

If you are unwell, especially if you have flu-like symptoms, diarrhoea or vomiting, please call the unit on 020 3447 1808 before coming in. A nurse will talk to you about your symptoms and let you know if you should still come for your appointment.

Yes, you need a referral from your doctor or clinical nurse specialist (CNS). We do not offer a walk-in service, so you need to have an appointment to receive care.

If you are having regular treatments, please book your next appointment at reception before you leave.

Before your blood transfusion, you will need a ‘cross match’ blood test. This test checks your blood type to make sure it matches the donor’s blood.  

This test takes several hours to process, so it is usually scheduled two days before your transfusion. It is only done on the same day if it’s urgent. Your clinical team will tell you when to have this test based on your situation and care needs.

If you know you have your blood transfusion at a slower rate, let us know when you book your appointment. We will then give you a longer time slot to make sure you complete your treatment.

Systemic anti-cancer therapy (SACT) refers to a group of drugs used to control or treat cancer. They include chemotherapy, hormone therapy, immunotherapy or targeted therapies. 

Please be aware that you may have to wait for your treatment. This is often because of the time needed to prepare your medication or to get your blood test results.  

If you feel unwell at home after your treatment, call the urgent advice line on 020 3447 3893 and select option six. Nurses are available to help 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Azacitidine treatment

Azacitidine is usually ready from 9.30am so make sure your appointment is scheduled after that time.  

You will need regular blood tests while you are having azacitidine, usually on Mondays and Thursdays. They may be more frequent if your clinical team advises. These tests help us to check your blood counts, kidneys and liver during your treatment.

Most blood tests take place in the blood tests department (phlebotomy) on Level -1 of the Cancer Centre.  

You can either walk in for your blood test or book an appointment. To book, visit the phlebotomy department in person or use the online platform Swiftqueue. If you need help booking, ask the reception staff in the Supportive Care Unit.

You can see your blood test results online using the MyCare UCLH patient portal. To find out more or to register, please speak to the reception staff or visit the patient portal page.   

If there are specific results you want to see on the portal, please let your healthcare team know.

Please bring any regular medicines with you to your appointment in the Supportive Care Unit. 

If you need a repeat prescription, contact your hospital doctor, CNS or GP. We are unable to provide repeat prescriptions in the Supportive Care Unit.

  • We offer a limited selection of hot drinks and food during the day. You are welcome to bring your own food and drinks but please throw away your rubbish before you leave. 
  • You can bring one visitor with you. This helps us reduce the spread of infection, keep the unit from getting too crowded, and protect the privacy of other patients. 
  • Feel free to bring a book, tablet or laptop to help pass the time. Free wi-fi is available throughout the Cancer Centre.

Please note: The Supportive Care Unit is not suitable for working remotely. Please limit phone calls as they can be disruptive to other patients and staff. Meetings on MS Teams or Zoom meetings are not allowed in the unit.

Supportive Care Unit

Telephone: 020 3447 1808 (Monday to Friday, 8am – 6pm) 

Haematology advice line

Telephone: 020 3447 7359 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm) 

Urgent advice line

Telephone: 0203 447 3893 (available 24/7) 

The Macmillan Support and Information Service offers advice, support, and information to anyone affected by cancer or a blood condition. You can drop in any time between 9am and 4.45pm, Monday to Friday, or call 020 3447 8663

For more information about the service and what it offers, visit the web page at

PALS is a patient-friendly, easy-to-access service designed to provide a personal contact point to assist patients, relatives, and carers. If you have a problem that you have not been able to resolve, PALS can help you. 

The University College Hospital PALS office is located on the ground floor of the main hospital building and is open from 9am to 4pm, Monday to Friday. 

Telephone: 020 3447 3042 


Page last updated: 21 January 2025

Review due: 01 December 2026