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Why is this relevant to me?

  • The current guidelines state that older people (those turning 65 or those who are currently between the ages of 70 and 79 years) and people who are severely immunosuppressed and over the age of 50 years should get the vaccine for free at their GP. 
  • ‘Severely Immunocompromised’ includes individuals who are taking medications or who have a condition which suppresses your immune system (the body’s natural defences).  
  • This page aims to explain why the vaccine is being offered to you, how you can access the vaccine and any side effects or problems you may have. 

What is Shingles?

  • Shingles is a painful viral infection, leading to a blistering rash that is caused by reactivation of the Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV), the same virus that causes chickenpox. 
  • One in four people will experience shingles at least once, this risk is much higher if you have a weakened immune system caused by medication, medical conditions or advancing age. 
  • Shingles can leave patients in significant pain even after it subsides (A condition known as Post-Herpetic Neuralgia), or lead to loss of eyesight if the eye becomes affected. These can lead to hospital admission or even death if not treated promptly. 

What is Shingrix® and why should I have it?

  • Vaccines reminds your body about the virus that causes shingles. This helps your immune system (the body’s natural defences) stay prepared to fight the virus and protect you against shingles and its complications. 
  • Shingrix® is an inactivated (non-live) vaccine that has been available in the UK since 2023 for people at a high risk of developing shingles. 
  • This means it is safe for most people, even those with a weakened immune system such as those taking immunosuppressive medication. You also cannot experience symptoms of shingles from the vaccine.   
  • Shingrix® reduces your chances of getting shingles, and if you were to get it, makes it less severe and reduces the risk of complications such as severe pain (post herpetic neuralgia).

How is the vaccine given?

  • The vaccine is given by an injection into the muscle, usually at the top of your arm. You need 2 doses; the second dose should be given between 8 weeks and 6 months after the first.

Is the vaccine safe?

  • Shingrix® is a very safe vaccine. The only people who should not have it are those who have had a severe allergic reaction to previous doses or any of the vaccine contents.

What should I be aware of before receiving Shingrix®?

  • All medicines and vaccines can have side effects, with Shingrix® these are usually mild and resolve within 2-3 days. 
  • Common side effects are: 
    • Pain or swelling at the injection site 
    • Mild itching 
    • Flu like symptoms; tiredness, aching, fever, shivers, headache. 
  • Speak to a doctor before getting Shingrix® if: 
    • You have a severe infection with a high temperature (fever). In these cases, the vaccination may have to be postponed until you have recovered.  
    • You have a bleeding problem or bruise easily.

How do I access the vaccine?

  • If you would like to have Shingrix® we will write to your GP and ask them to book you into a vaccination clinic with the practice nurse at a later date. 
  • The practice nurse can explain the risks and benefits of taking the vaccine in greater detail and answer any questions you have. 

Further information about the vaccine, its ingredients and its side effects can be found in the links below: 

Contact Details



General Dermatology Queries  

Tel: 07966 770 701 

Dermatology Reception – Mortimer Market 

Tel: 0203 447 5116 

Address: Dermatology Department, Mortimer Market Centre, 2nd Floor, Off Capper Street, London, WC1E 6JB



Page last updated: 21 March 2025