Proton Beam Therapy, or PBT, is a type of treatment using a machine that is like a big camera, a little bit like having an x-ray.
It doesn’t hurt to have it, the machine won’t touch you, and you won’t see or feel the treatment.
Before you start your treatment there are a few things that we need to do.
This is when you will come to UCLH to meet us. We will teach you and your family all about PBT and what it means for you.

On your first visit, you will meet the paediatric team who will support you through your treatment.
There is a specialist paediatric radiographer and a team of health play specialists.
There are also the doctors that you will see each week and the radiographers that you will meet when you have your scans and proton treatment.
On your first visits you will meet the doctors and play specialists in the clinic on B3.
This is where we will get to know you and your family, and talk about your treatment.
We will also introduce you to the play area on B4.
This has lots of activities and fun things to do when you come and visit for your treatment and scans.
You may also spot an area called the TYA lounge. This area is only for patients 13 years old and over.
Before we can start PBT treatment, we will need to take some pictures of you.
We have different cameras to take these pictures. One is called a CT scanner and one is called an MRI scanner.
The most important thing is to lie very still during your scans and treatment.
This is why you will have a sleep for your treatment. We will explain everything to you and your family.
We will be able to play and practice to help you understand.
We will be there support you.
Before you have your pictures taken, you will meet a doctor called an anaesthetist.
Anaesthetists are doctors who look after children to help them have a sleep for their treatment.
Your anaesthetist gives you the sleep medicine through your line or port and you will start to feel sleepy.
Your family will be with you.
When it’s time to have your sleep for your treatment, you can watch your favourite movie, bring your favourite toys and choose a cosy blanket.
When your pictures are finished, you will wake up.
You will hear some beeping sounds from the monitor and the anaesthetists and nurses will be with you making sure you are feeling ok.
You will see your family when you wake up too.
You will be very hungry after your treatment and now you can have something to eat and drink!
If your doctor wants you to have chemotherapy whilst you are having PBT, you will have this at UCH on the paediatric oncology ward T11North or T11N.
You will have a visit there before you start your treatment so you can meet the team.
You can contact the Radiotherapy/ PBT Play specialists on the email below:
Page last updated: 13 August 2024
Review due: 30 June 2025