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Welcome to the Imagery Rehearsal Therapy (IRT) course for the treatment of Nightmares at RLHIM

What is Imagery rehearsal therapy (IRT)?

Imagery Rehearsal Therapy (IRT) is a treatment that uses Cognitive and Behavioural principles for reducing the number and intensity of nightmares. IRT focuses directly on helping to make nightmares less intense.

In IRT, you’re helped to reimagine your nightmares with different, less frightening outcomes. The goal is to ‘reprogram’ your nightmares to be less terrifying if and when they occur again. 

 In IRT, your practitioner first provides you with background information on sleep and nightmares. Then working with the practitioner, you will: - create detailed, non-frightening endings for your nightmares - rehearse the nightmares with new endings.

No, you will not have to describe your nightmares or any past traumatic event in the group. 

You will begin with one or more of your less frightening nightmares in order to build confidence. The goal is not to trigger emotional responses. Instead, it is to help you view your nightmares with as little emotion as possible.

The therapy will last for five 1-hour sessions on consecutive weeks. You will then be provided with a follow up session 3 months after the end of therapy.

Although this therapy may be suitable for you, it is best to make your practitioner aware of your PTSD presentation so that they can advise whether to continue with IRT treatment at present.

IRT specifically works on the nightmares, which is just one symptom of PTSD. If you are experiencing a number of PTSD symptoms you should speak to your practitioner and/or your GP about referring you for a more specialist assessment and treatment.

No. You should wait until you have finished your current therapy. Please get back in touch after a minimum of 3 months after you finish.

You will need to commit to attend all 5 sessions. You will be required to fill in some questionnaires before and after the therapy.

You are advised to not drink alcohol or take any substances (other than prescribed medications) throughout the course.

You will need to agree to a confidentiality agreement in order to join the group (attached).

You will need to practice the new skills for a few minutes each day. 

You may like to have a note pad and a pen. You should have a safe, comfortable and distraction free environment.

To improve access, we are providing virtual groups via the Zoom digital platform. If you are not familiar with this, we advise you to contact the support team "TECH BUDDIES" before agreeing to ZOOM appointments.

We also offer a limited number of one-to-one appointments (Telephone/ Video). It is important that you are able to exchange documents via email for these.

If remote options are not suitable, face-to-face appointments can be arranged.

Please inform us (in advance) if you have accessibility needs (hearing /vision / cognitive impairments / learning disabilities or difficulties processing numbers).

All clients within RLHIM would need to be deemed as low or moderate risk in order to ensure maximum engagement can occur with the therapy. Please let your practitioner know if there are any changes in your risk levels.

Please note we are not an emergency service and therefore if you feel you cannot keep yourself safe or your risk escalates to high/crisis levels, and you require urgent help, please contact your GP for an emergency appointment or attend your nearest A&E department.

You can also call the Samaritans Helpline on 116 123 or your local Mental Health Support Line within your borough for further support.  

If you are unable to attend your appointment please let us know at least 48 hours beforehand so we can offer it to someone else. Following your treatment, you will be referred back to your GP.

The RLHIM is a teaching hospital and from time to time other healthcare professionals may observe in outpatient clinics as part of a training course. We will always ask your permission for students to sit in during your consultation. You do not have to have students present if you would prefer not to.

Patient Services

The Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine
60 Great Ormond Street
London, WC1N 3HR
Tel: 020 3448 2000
Fax: 020 3448 2004
Switchboard: 020 3456 7890
Email: (not for referrals) Website:

The Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine (RLHIM) is part of University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and accepts GP referrals via NHS e-Referrals (formerly Choose and Book).

Patients can also be referred by their NHS hospital consultant. NHS Choices provides information and an opportunity to provide feedback about our service.