Information alert

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This information is for patients having gynaecology surgery who may also need bowel (colorectal) surgery as part of their cancer treatment. 

Your surgeon has prescribed two oral antibiotics and a laxative to help empty your bowel before surgery. Research shows that taking antibiotics along with a laxative can help to prevent complications after bowel surgery, such as infections. 

The laxative you will take is called Moviprep®. It is a lemon-flavoured drink that works by emptying your bowel until your poo is clear and watery. This is very important for surgery, so follow the instructions carefully when you take Moviprep®. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your healthcare team.

The table below gives instructions on when to eat, drink and take your antibiotics and laxative before surgery. It’s important that you follow these guidelines closely.

You will also find a list of foods and drinks you can have in the section ‘Low-fibre diet and clear fluid options’.

One day before surgery
  • 1st dose of oral antibiotics  
  • Low-fibre breakfast
12pm – 2pm
  • Low-fibre lunch
  • 2nd dose of antibiotics
  • 1st dose of Moviprep®
  • No more food after this time 

  • 2nd dose of Moviprep®
6pm – 10pm
  • 400 - 500mls of clear fluids or 4 bottles of Nutricia PreOp® (clear fluids only if you have diabetes)
10pm 3rd dose of antibiotics

Aim for 1 cup of clear fluid every hour through the day. Continue with clear fluids up until 6am on the morning of surgery. 

Morning of surgery
5am – 6am 2 bottles of Nutricia PreOp® or 2 glasses of water if you have diabetes.      

Nutricia PreOp® drinks are carbohydrate-rich drinks which help you to stay hydrated and reduce feelings of hunger. These drinks are not recommended if you have diabetes.

You will have four sachets of Moviprep®: two labelled ‘A’ and two labelled ‘B’. 

1. Mix the solution: 

You can make the solution ahead of time and store it in the fridge to cool. You must use it within 24 hours of preparing it. 

  • Take one sachet A and one sachet B.  
  • Pour both sachets into a container that holds 1 litre. 
  • Add 1 litre of lukewarm drinking water and stir until the powder dissolves and the solution is clear or slightly hazy. This may take about five minutes. 

2. Drink the solution:  

  • Drink the entire litre over one to two hours.  
  • Aim to drink one glass every 10 to 15 minutes. 

3. Stay hydrated: 

  • Be sure to drink at least 500mls of clear fluids in addition to the Moviprep® to keep hydrated.

After your first dose of Moviprep®, expect to have diarrhoea (loose poo) within a few hours. You may also feel some cramps or pain in your tummy. Moviprep® is meant to clean out your bowel, so it’s best to stay close to a toilet. 

Your bottom may become sore from frequent trips to the toilet. To help with this, you can apply petroleum jelly (such as Vaseline®) or a barrier cream (such as Sudocrem® or Drapolene®) after each time you go to the toilet.

Moviprep® is generally safe but it can cause some side effects:  

  • Feeling sick or being sick 
  • Bloating or stomach pain 
  • Soreness around the bottom 
  • Dehydration - Dehydration risk is higher for elderly people, those with kidney, heart or liver problems, or anyone taking diuretics (water tablets). Moviprep® is designed to be safe for these groups, so the risk is very low. If you have concerns, please talk to your doctor. 
  • Low blood pressure  
  • Kidney problems 
  • Allergic reaction - Rarely, an allergic reaction may occur. Stop taking Moviprep® and go to the nearest Emergency Department (A&E) if you experience any of these symptoms:
    • rash, itchy or red skin  
    • swollen hands, feet or ankles  
    • headache  
    • fast heartbeat (palpitations)  
    • shortness of breath. 

Side effects can vary from person to person. Your doctor will talk to you about these risks and answer any questions. 


Do not take Moviprep® if:

  • You are, or think you might be, pregnant.
  • You have had your large bowel (colon) surgically removed or de-functioned (for example if you have an ileostomy or ileoanal pouch).

Contact your healthcare team for advice instead.

Do not take any tablets or oral medicines within one hour of taking Moviprep®. Moviprep® may flush these medicines through your system before your body can absorb them, so they may not work properly. 

We will advise you on taking your regular medicines during your preoperative assessment appointment, which happens before your surgery. 

Note: If you take the oral contraceptive pill, use extra contraception for seven days after taking Moviprep®.

Breads / Flours / Cereals / Potatoes

Foods to choose Do not eat
  • White flour products (such as breads, scones, crackers)
  • Ground oatmeal porridge 
  • Corn flakes 
  • Rice cereals 
  • Chapatti, naan or cornbread 
  • Mashed potato or well-cooked potatoes without skins
  • Well-cooked white pasta, rice, cous cous or noodles
  • Breads (granary, seeded, wholemeal and wholegrain) 
  • Crispbread or rye breads 
  • Malted fruit bread 
  • Wholewheat breakfast cereals,  such as Weetabix™ or shredded wheat 
  • Cereal bars 
  • Tortilla chips or Twiglets™ 
  • Wholegrain pasta or rice 


Foods to choose Do not eat
  • Smooth hummus 
  • Refried beans and other pureed beans 
  • Smooth dhal 
  • Whole beans (including baked beans) 
  • Lentils or peas 

Meat / Fish / Eggs / Meat alternatives

Foods to choose Do not eat
  • Eggs 
  • Plain tofu  
  • Fish with no bones 
  • Soft, tender, minced or pureed lean meat or poultry with skin removed 
  • Red meat 
  • Tough, gristly meat or skin including pork scratchings 
  • Fish with bones like sardines or with edible bones like whitebait 


Foods to choose Do not eat
  • Peeled and cooked until soft, mashed or pureed vegetables (carrots, swede, parsnip) 
  • Tinned or jarred tomatoes without skins or pips (tomato juice, passata, puree) 
  • Smooth vegetable juices 
  • Raw vegetables or salads 
  • Corn (sweetcorn, popcorn) 
  • Skins of vegetables (for example skins of baked potato, tomato, cucumber or bell peppers) 
  • Tough stalks (such as celery or broccoli) 
  • Onions


Foods to choose Do not eat
  • Peeled and soft fruit without pips or pith 
  • Cooked or tinned fruit that has been peeled (for example apples, pears, peaches, nectarines or apricots) 
  • Avocado (smooth guacamole) 
  • Smooth fruit juice and smoothies without pips or seeds 
  • Fruit jellies and jams without pips 
  • Fruits with seeds, pips, pith, skins or fibres (for example berries, kiwifruit, citrus fruits, grapes, rhubarb or plantain) 
  • Raw or dried fruit (such as figs, prunes, dates or apricots) 
  • Jams or fruit spreads containing seeds or fruit bits


Foods to choose Do not eat
  • Milk, cheese, smooth yoghurts, yoghurt drinks
  • Yoghurts or cheeses with seeds, nuts or fruit pieces

Cakes and biscuits

Foods to choose Do not eat
  • Plain-flour sponges 
  • Biscuits (chocolate, gingernut, sandwich, wafers or shortbread) 
  • Cakes (Madeira, banana bread, Swiss roll, teacakes) 
  • Danish pastries (without dried fruit) 
  • Fruit cakes or biscuits containing dried fruit, fruit peel, nuts or seeds

Clear fluids

Drinks to choose Do not choose
  • Water  
  • Tea or coffee (no milk
  • Herbal tea (no milk
  • Squash or cordial diluted in water 
  • Clear fruit juice (for example apple juice) 
  • Clear soup (such as Bovril™)  
  • Ice lollies (not milk based)  
  • Energy drinks (such as Lucozade®, Gatorade® or Powerade®) 
  • Nutricia PreOp ® drinks, if provided by your surgical team
  • Milk-based drinks, including plant-based milk 
  • Fresh fruit juice 
  • Fruit smoothies 

If you have any queries or concerns about preparing for surgery, please contact us on one of the numbers listed below: 

Gynae-Oncology Nurse Specialist/Keyworker (Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm) 

Mobile: 07977 726591 

Gynaecology Enhanced Recovery Nurse (Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm)  

Mobile: 07815 642930 

Ward T7 South (Nurse Coordinator, weekends and after 5pm on weekdays) 
Mobile: 07930 263122 

If your call is not answered, please leave a voicemail with your:  

  1. full name  
  2. date of birth or hospital number (MRN)  
  3. your contact number  
  4. a brief reason for your call.

Page last updated: 29 January 2025

Review due: 01 January 2027