If you have been referred for NHS treatment by your doctor or dentist, and you are on a low income or receive benefits, you may be eligible for help with the cost of travelling from your home address to your appointments.

Please visit the NHS website where a list of eligible travel expenses can be viewed, or contact the relevant Cashier’s Office. See below for locations and opening time. Please note that as set out on the patient travel claim form, all claims for escorts and taxi fares will only be reimbursed if required on medical grounds and must be approved by the clinic on the attendance slip. Claims that do not reflect the cheapest suitable mode of transport for your circumstances may be rejected by the clinical team.

PLEASE NOTE: The Cashier’s Offices at University College Hospital is currently closed.

Patients claiming travel expenses for University College Hospital can either send a claim in to the cashier by post or claim at your next appointment.  To claim by post patients should complete the attached form. The completed form and relevant documents should be submitted by email to: uclh.enquiry.treasury@nhs.net 

Any members of staff wanting to collect a travel warrant should contact the UCLH Charities directly.

Cashier's office locations and opening times:

  • University College Hospital (currently closed):

    Ground floor, 235 Euston Road

  • National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery and Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine; open 10.00 – 16.00 Monday - Friday
    ​​​Ground floor of the Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine
    Telephone: 020 344 88870/88941

  • University College Hospital at Westmoreland Street: Next to main reception; 09:30 – 16:30 Monday - Friday. 

    Telephone: 020 3456 3006

Read our 'Help with travel costs' page.