To make an enquiry or discuss a concern, you can access PALS in the following ways:
- telephone us on 0203 447 3042 (voicemail only)
- email us at uclh.
pals - Video appointments - these can be arranged on request
- Face-to-face appointments - can be arranged on request.
We will respond as soon as we can, within the hours of 09:00 and 16:00, Monday to Friday.
Please note PALS is not an emergency service. If you have concerns regarding your medical health, please contact your GP or call the NHS on 111.
Additional help is available on our Help and Support pages.
The Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) provides impartial advice and assistance in:
- providing feedback regarding UCLH services and service information
- answering questions about UCLH services
- resolving concerns that patients, their relatives, friends and carers might have accessing the NHS services provided by UCLH.
- Listen to your concerns, worries, fears and queries about your experience in hospital. Whether you have a compliment, feedback, or concern that you have not been able to sort out on the ward or in a department, we can help you to resolve it.
- We can help you to resolve concerns informally by talking with staff and senior managers on your behalf.
- We will take note of what you say to help us to improve the service our hospitals offer to patients. We can receive and report patient feedback.
- Help you navigate the Trust systems and services, providing information and advice
- Assist service users with disability or with multiple service involvement, who are experiencing problems accessing the Trust’s hospital services.
- Supporting patients with learning disabilities and their carers.
- We can advise you on referral to outside advocacy services should you need them.
- Give details on how to make a complaint.
- We will do everything we can to help, but please be aware we are not an emergency service.
If you have a medical emergency or require urgent advice for symptoms, we would advise you to call NHS 111.