Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a type of fertility treatment. It is commonly used for women who are using donated sperm in their treatment, including single women and female couples, but can also be used by some heterosexual couples.

Patient contact

General enquiries

Other contact information

Telephone: 020 3447 9411  
General queries:  
Clinical queries:


Reproductive Medicine Unit
Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Wing
Clinic 1, Lower Ground floor
25 Grafton Way, London, WC1E 6DB

Other referral information

Telephone: 020 3447 9453 (secretary) / 020 3447 5550 (secretary)
Fax: 020 3447 9354 (UCLH Referrals Centre) 020 3447 9775 (RMU secretaries)
Email: (general queries and referrals)

IUI is a type of fertility treatment in which high-quality sperm are separated from sperm that is sluggish or non-moving. This sperm is then injected directly into the womb through the cervix. It can either be performed with your partner’s sperm or donor sperm (known as donor insemination).

IUI may be useful in the treatment of:

  • Women who need to use donated sperm but have no female fertility problems, including single women and same-sex couples.
  • Women in a heterosexual relationship with subfertility (unexplained cause, psychosexual cause, mild endometriosis or mild male factor)

If you think you need IUI treatment and are not funded by the NHS, you can self-fund your treatment.

Intrauterine Insemination is a procedure whereby your partner’s or donor’s prepared sperm sample is inserted into your womb through the cervix around the time of ovulation. Superovulation is used alongside Intrauterine Insemination. Superovulation is a term used to describe the drug-induced production of multiple eggs for use during assisted conception. Normally, a woman ovulates just one egg per monthly cycle. With the use of fertility drugs, she may be able to produce several eggs, which increases the chances of achieving a pregnancy.