The gynaecology service at UCLH, in association with The Institute for Women's Health, has a national and international reputation for providing advice and treatment to women requiring a wide range of both general and specialist care throughout their lives, from birth until after menopause. Our services at UCH include paediatric gynaecology, acute pain, pre-menstrual problems, fertility, bladder dysfunction, specialist clinics for African women, colposcopy, menopause and oncology.
Patient contact
Other contact information
Patient enquiries (for general enquiries)
020 3447 9411 - Benign Gynaecology and Reproductive Medicine Unit (for general enquiries about our services and clinical advice).
020 3447 9393 - Appointment Centre (to change or cancel your appointment).
Please see our service-specific pages for GP contact telephone and fax numbers.
Key contacts:
- Assistant General Manager for Cancer Services - Tanath Young
- Assistant General Manager for Benign Gynaecology - Pieter Rodriguez
- Clinical Lead for Gynaecology - Arvind Vashisht
- Matron for Breast & Gynaecology - Georgina Bull
- Adenomyosis
- Bartholin’s Cyst or Abscess
- Early miscarriage
- Gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogue (GnRH-a) injections
- Hysteroscopy Under General Anaesthesia
- Laparoscopic Myomectomy
- London Complex Mesh Centre (LCMC) - Pain Management Service
- London Complex Mesh Centre (LCMC) - Psychological Wellbeing Service
- Outpatient Hysteroscopy
- Preparing for gynaecology surgery and your recovery
- Robotic Bilateral Salpingo-oophorectomy
- Robotic Hysterectomy: Minimal access surgery
- Surgical management of endometriosis
- Surgical management of miscarriage (SMM) under general anaesthetic
- Transcervical ultrasound-guided radiofrequency ablation uterine fibroids (Sonata®)
- Uterine Artery/Fibroid Embolisation (UAE)