The Department provides a comprehensive neurosurgical service covering the full range of neurosurgical pathologies, including all cranial and simple spinal conditions. There is also a complex spine department (see spinal surgery section). In addition to serving the local population it also provides a national and international service for more specialised neurosurgical problems such as epilepsy surgery, surgery for Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders, transoral and skull base surgery for complex pathologies at these sites, and complex hydrocephalus and transsphenoidal surgery for hormonally active pituitary tumours. Complex interdisciplinary procedures are often performed in conjunction with Consultants from other specialties, including ENT, maxillo-facial and plastic surgery. There is a busy multidisciplinary team looking after complex vascular disease, particularly aneurysms and arteriovenous malformations. The MDT includes neurosurgeons, vascular surgeons, interventional neuroradiologists and vascular neurologists. A new brain tumour unit opened in 2011, providing specialist focused care for this group of patients and their families.
Academic activities benefit from close links to the Department of Neurology, the Institute of Neurology and other University bodies. This multidisciplinary approach to research fosters an atmosphere of academic excellence and ensures that the Department remains at the forefront of clinical research. We also have a Neural Regeneration Unit and a Neurosurgical Consultant specialising in spinal regeneration focussing on spinal cord transplantation for paraplegia – the DePuy Spinal Regeneration Project.
Patient contact
General enquiries
Other contact information
Patient Contact
For Referrals and New Appointments:
Tel. 020 3456 7890
For Follow Up Appointments and General Enquiries:
Tel. Please contact the telephone numbers listed under the individual consultants
For Private Patient Enquires:
Tel. 020 3448 4260 (option 3)
If your enquiry relates to Medical Imaging or Neuroradiology please contact the team on:
Tel. 020 3448 3440
GP and Medical Enquires
Tel. Please contact the telephone numbers listed under the individual consultants
Management Team
General Manager: Huw Thomas -
Service Manager: Aisha Banwait -
National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery
Queen Square
London, WC1N 3BG
GP contact
Other referral information
NHS e-Referral Service (formerly Choose and Book referrals)
Choose and Book enquiries:
For specialists
Once a patient has been diagnosed with MSCC, the referrer should visit
When the referrer is logged on, they will be able to refer the patient by submitting the online referral form.
At this point, the images should be sent via Image Exchange Portal to UCLH.
The referrer should then call the co-ordinator on 07903 531 674. This number is available 24/7.
The co-ordinator will be in touch within 2 hours of receiving all relevant information.
If the patient requires surgery, a bed will be ring-fenced for the patient and the team will be on stand-by to receive the patient. The co-ordinator will let the referrer know the location of this bed.
The referring hospital will be responsible for making appropriate transport arrangements for transfer of the patient to the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery.
The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery will be responsible for arranging transport at the time of repatriation of the patient following treatment.
If you have any queries, please call the co-ordinator on 07903 531 674.
Referral address
Department of Neurosurgery
The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery
Queen Square
London WC1N 3BG
We care for patients with:
- Acoustic neuromas
- Brain tumours
- Cerebral aneurysms
- Cerebral arterio-venous malformations
- Epilepsy
- Hydrocephalus
- Intracerebral haemorrhage
- Meningiomas
- Movement disorders
- Trigeminal neuralgia
Outpatient follow-up takes place at six to eight weeks.
Continued follow-up is tailor made to patient needs.
- Botulinum toxin treatment
- British Spine Registry
- Having a craniotomy or biopsy for a suspected brain tumour
- Insertion of bone markers
- Intradural spinal tumour resection
- Motor mapping and monitoring
- Multi-level anterior cervical discectomy
- Neurosurgery – Guide for Epilepsy patients considering implantation of EASEE device
- Percutaneous endoscopic interlaminar lumbar discectomy for sciatica
- Percutaneous transforaminal endoscopic lumbar discectomy for sciatica
- Single level anterior cervical discectomy
- Single level lumbar decompression
- Single level lumbar microdiscectomy
- Thalamotomy for Tremor using Transcranial MRI-Guided Focused Ultrasound