The department of Neuroanaesthesia and Critical Care has recently expanded and now has 23 substantive consultant anaesthetists and intensivists as well as 39 trainee doctors. It is responsible for the provision of anaesthetic services in the six operating theatres, neuroradiology and the interventional MRI operating suite as well as critical care services at NHNN. In August 2022, we launched a seven-day, 24hr mechanical thrombectomy service to treat acute stroke patients in the neuroradiology department.  

Consultant anaesthetists and intensivists are responsible for a large Neurocritical Care unit and have responsibility for the critical care outreach team which allows continuing care when patients are discharged from the Intensive Care Units to the general wards. Similarly, the department is part of the hospital tracheostomy team, which includes physiotherapists, anaesthetists and speech and language therapists and has revolutionised the care of patients with neurological disease. The department also leads the Acute Pain Service which is an important facet of anaesthetic practice, is responsible for the running of the surgical pre- assessment service, and has input into the hospital plasma exchange service.  

Education is a fundamental role of the department. In addition to providing core training in all aspects of neuroanaesthetic and neurocritical care practice for many individuals and teams within the hospital, we also provide additional training for those who wish to pursue a career in neuroanaesthesia through the provision of nine clinical fellow posts (which are popular and keenly contested). The department is an internationally accredited centre for training through the ICPNT program and is currently developing CESR training programs with several London Schools of Anaesthesia and Critical Care. We are also an accredited centre for the ACSA program run by the Royal College of Anaesthetsists.  

Service management


Department of Neuroanaesthesia and Neurocritical Care 
Maktoum Theatres
Box 56, National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery
Queen Square
London WC1N 3BG

Other referral information

Referrals for anaesthetic pre-assessment for neurosurgery at The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery are usually made internally by the surgical team. 

Referral address

Department of Neuroanaesthesia and Neurocritical Care 
Maktoum Theatres
Box 56, National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery
Queen Square
London WC1N 3BG