The epilepsy service at National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery at Queen Square and National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery at Chalfont provides a comprehensive service for patients with epilepsy and for those with suspected seizures and has one of the largest, most comprehensive programmes in Europe for the evaluation and medical and surgical treatment of epilepsy.

Our multi-disciplinary team of world-leading experts includes neurologists, neurosurgeons, neuro-psychiatrists and neurophysiologists – working closely with epilepsy nurse specialists, neuro-psychologists and other specialties.

The epilepsy group works within UCLH and has close links with UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology and UCL Partners, including Great Ormond Street Hospital and UCL Great Ormond St Institute of Child Health.

These links allow the epilepsy group to evaluate and treat the widest range of patients – ranging from individuals seeking diagnosis after their first seizure to more complex cases, including those for whom epilepsy forms only part of a broader medical or surgical condition.

Other contact information

Epilepsy at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery (Queen Square) National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery at Chalfont

Epilepsy Box 29
National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery
Queen Square
London, WC1N 3BG 

New appointments

Follow up appointments
Please contact your consultant’s secretary: 

  • 020 3448 8625 – Gaby Baykarali Secretary to Professor John Duncan, Dr Meneka Sidhu, Dr Umesh Vivekananda and Dr Umair Chaudhary.
  • 020 3448 8619 – Mary Fanning Secretary to Professor Beate Diehl, Dr Fahmida Chowdhury, Dr Dominic Heaney, Professor Matthias Koepp, Dr Suzanne O’Sullivan and Dr Emma Torzillo
  • 020 3448 8609 – Kim Morris Secretary to Dr Fergus Rugg-Gunn, Dr Sanjeev Rajakulendran and Professor Ley Sander, Dr Mahinda Yogarajah
  • 020 3448 8623 – Ngozi Ibeji  Secretary to Dr Sofia Eriksson & Professor Mathew Walker & Dr Umair Chaudhary
  • 020 3448 8621 – Wali Alogba  Secretary to Epilepsy Specialist Nurses – Nurse Advice Line 02034488627
  • 020 3448 8621  - Franchezca Cas Secretary to Dr Umair Chaudhary.

Epilepsy nurse helpline (current UCLH patients only)
Tel: 020 3448 8627 (voicemail)

Private Healthcare at UCLH
Tel: 020 3448 8948
Queen Square Private Consulting Rooms 

Visiting doctors
If you wish to spend some time with our team, please contact an individual consultant directly.

Chalfont Centre for Epilepsy,
Chesham Lane,
Chalfont St Peter,

Pre-admission clinic:
Tel: 020 3447 5624 / 020 3447 5293 

Secretary contact details:

Other referral information

Advice and guidance for epilepsy

If you need advice from the Epilepsy team, please use the eRS advice and guidance for written communication.

The service is intended for patients who are currently not seen within the services (17 or over) with seizure diagnosis and can be used for: 

  • Medical management queries
  • Requirement for further support (such as interpretation of test results) or
  • Uncertainty around the need for referral

For advice on patients who are currently under follow up with the team, please contact the patient’s consultant or the epilepsy nurse specialists.

How to find us on eRS

Specialty: Neurology
Clinic Type: Epilepsy
Organisation/Location: National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery-Queen Square
Service name: Adult Epilepsy Advice & Guidance – NHNN – UCLH – RRV

Outpatient services

  • First seizure clinic – assessment of up to 10 new patients per week with suspected first seizures, usually referred from Emergency Departments but also from their GP.
  • Epilepsy out-patient clinics at Queen Square and at Chalfont – assessment of suspected seizures, investigation of newly-diagnosed epilepsy, medical management and surgical management of epilepsy (see Guide for patients considering epilepsy surgery) as well as second opinions. Patients are referred by their GP but also by neurologists locally as well as across the UK.
  • Obstetric-neurology clinic at the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Hospital – monitoring and advice given to women with epilepsy who are pregnant
  • Epilepsy Genetics clinic at Chalfont – known or suspected genetic epilepsy, for testing, counselling, management including precision medicine options where available 
  • Epilepsy nurse led clinics – at Queen Square and at Chalfont

Inpatient services

  • At Queen Square - Following consultation with a consultant neurologist / epileptologist, patients can be admitted for prolonged EEG and simultaneous video-recording to the 7-bed Jules Thorn telemetry unit at at Queen Square.  This unit provides a diagnostic service and also forms an essential component of the epilepsy surgery programme.
  • At Chalfont - The Sir William Gowers Assessment and Treatment Centre in Chalfont St Peter (NHNN at Chalfont) is a 26-bed facility which offers video-EEG telemetry, MRI, drug level monitoring, neurology, neuropsychiatry and psychology, and admits 1000 patients per year from all over the UK and Ireland for in-depth multidisciplinary assessment and treatment.