What to expect when having a PET/MRI scan

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What to expect when having a PET/CT scan

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PET/CT scans

One of the most powerful scans available to imaging doctors, PET/CT combines the anatomical imaging of CT and the functional imaging of PET. The Institute of Nuclear Medicine at UCLH is one of the largest PET/CT departments in the UK, undertaking a huge range of clinical and research scans every week.

Nuclear Medicine scans

Whether you have been referred for a bone scan, a brain scan or a heart scan, nuclear medicine gamma cameras and SPECT/CT scanners sit at the heart of our clinical department.

PET/MRI scans

The Institute of Nuclear Medicine at UCLH is one of only a few sites in the UK to offer clinical hybrid PET/MRI scans, indeed in 2012 the Institute was the first site in the UK to install and make use of this new technology. Today, there is an ever growing number of applications and patients coming to our scanner.

Bone density scans

Bone Density or DEXA scans are performed at the Institute of Nuclear Medicine at UCLH; these ultra-low dose scans are used to diagnose or assess your risk of osteoporosis, which is a reduction in the mineral density of the bones.

Research scans

The Institute of Nuclear Medicine at UCLH performs a massive range of research scans for clinical trials and for in-house medical imaging research.

Cardiac CT scanning

The Institute of Nuclear Medicine at UCLH is also a scanning centre for Cardiac CT, these scans are some times combined with a Rubidium-82 Cardiac PET Scan.