The thyroid and endocrine surgery department at UCLH is one of the largest endocrine surgical services in the UK.

We provide a high level of care for patients who require surgical advice and management of benign and malignant endocrine conditions affecting the thyroid, parathyroids and adrenal glands. We are also specialised in the treatment of patients who require re-operative management.

As well as treatment for adults, we also provide care for young adults and children. Although most of our activity takes place at UCLH, we also work alongside the paediatric endocrinology team at Great Ormond Street Hospital to treat children with benign and malignant thyroid and parathyroid conditions. This includes children affected by genetic diseases such as multiple endocrine neoplasia.

The team works closely with colleagues from other specialities including endocrinology, radiology, nuclear medicine, pathology, and oncology. We meet regularly in our thyroid, parathyroid and adrenal multidisciplinary meetings. This allows us to provide a comprehensive service and ensure each patient receives the best possible care, tailored to their needs.

At UCLH, we perform more than 400 thyroid and endocrine surgery operations per year. This includes a wide variety of procedures, from minimally invasive day parathyroid surgery to major cancer and neck dissection interventions. These are performed with the assistance of high-quality technology such as intra-operative nerve monitoring, intra-operative parathyroid hormone measurements and indocyanine green fluorescence state of the art intra-operative cameras to optimise and improve surgical outcomes.

The surgical team participate and contribute data to the British Association of Endocrine and Thyroid Association national audit as well as the European Society of Endocrine Surgery

The team is supported by endocrine surgical fellows and residents who work alongside the consultants. They participate in the development of research projects while training in this specialty. The clinical nurse specialists and support workers within our team help to support and co-ordinate the care of patients on the outpatient pathway, and perioperatively, with both benign and malignant endocrine diagnoses.

We have an established a weekly one-stop thyroid clinic service for new or concerning thyroid nodules, which provides patients with a full assessment and diagnosis of thyroid nodules with results discussed with the patient on the same day. This is especially important for those patients who suffer thyroid cancer and require expedited diagnosis and treatment.

We are very pleased to offer patients scarless thyroid and parathyroid surgery—transoral thyroid and parathyroid endoscopic (keyhole) surgery. This is a technique that removes the thyroid or parathyroid gland without leaving a visible scar on the neck.

The endocrine surgery team has also worked closely with the radiology team to offer non-surgical treatment of thyroid nodules. This is performed as a joint procedure with radio-frequency ablation of suitable thyroid nodules.

Other conditions treated include:

  • Thyroid nodules
  • Thyroid cancer
  • Graves´ disease
  • Thyrotoxicosis
  • Multinodular goitre
  • Hyperparathyroidism
  • Parathyroid cancer
  • Adrenal tumours
  • Adrenal cancer
  • Cushing syndrome
  • Conn's Syndrome
  • Secondary hyperparathyroidism
  • Tertiary hyperparathyroidism
  • Phaeocromocytoma
  • Paraganglioma

The clinical nurse specialists and support workers within our team help to support and co-ordinate the care of patients on the outpatient pathway, and perioperatively, with both benign and malignant endocrine diagnoses.

Macmillan Support and Information Service provides further support and advice on cancer-related conditions to patients and relatives.

Other referral information

Our geographical catchment area for referral is not restricted. 

We accept Two Week Wait referrals for new or concerning thyroid lumps and run a weekly One-Stop Thyroid Clinic service for these and other suitable patients.  We also take urgent and regular endocrine referrals.

e-RS Advice and Guidance may be useful for such issues as:

  • Uncertainty about the need for referral
  • Need for/usefulness of tests
  • Interpretation of results of tests already performed
  • Medical management queries
  • General advice and guidance about the optimal management of a patient

How to find us on e-RS

Specialty: Surgery- Not otherwise specified

Clinic Type: Endocrine Surgery

Organisation/Location: University College Hospital (RRV03)Service name: Endocrine Surgery Service (RAS) - General Surgery Dept - UCLH - RRV

Referral address

Thyroid and Endocrine Surgery
GI Services,
UCLH Ground Floor West,
250 Euston Road,