This service caters for babies, children and adolescents (attending the AVM and ENT departments at the Royal National ENT & Eastman Dental Hospitals) with congenital or acquired deafness or auditory processing disorders. The service provides assessment and advice only.
The Speech and Language Therapy Service for Deaf Children and Young People offers:
Intervention Ongoing therapy intervention is not provided here at the hospital but referral to the local Speech and Language Therapy team will be offered as an alternative source of help and support for children/families identified as requiring this. Liaison with local services will be carried out with parental permission. Short courses of therapy on listening skills development for children or young people with auditory processing concerns may be offered where felt to be clinically appropriate and may be provided in conjunction with other interventions offered by other members of the Multidisciplinary Team. |
General enquiries
Service management
Zaid Ahmed
Royal National ENT & Eastman Dental Hospitals
47-49 Huntley Street
Other referral information
Referral criteria / acceptance criteria: Internal referrals only (Children must be known to the Paediatric Audiovestibular Medicine or ENT Team. This document offers guidance for referrers; however, each case is considered individually in relation to child/family specific circumstances Referrals are accepted for babies, children and young people from 0-18yrs of age with the following:
Referrals are not accepted for children and young people when the following criteria apply:-
Consent It is always expected that consent has been obtained from someone with legal parental responsibility for the child before a referral is made. How to refer: Internal referrals only In order to be referred to the service children must be known to the Paediatric Audio-vestibular Medicine or ENT Team at the hospital (we are not able to accept external referrals). Referrals are accepted from any involved professionals at the hospital: such as doctors, audiologists, psychologists, or Teachers of the Deaf. Please include the following information:
How the problem is impacting on the child or young person in his/her environment. |
Referral address
Medical Services,
250 Euston Road
- NDCS. https:/
/ - The National Deaf Children’s Society is a British charity dedicated to providing support, information and advice for deaf children and young people, their families and professionals working with them. The NDCS supports families in a range of ways including access to a helpline, specialist advisors, publications, family events, and web forums.www. - Deafparent. http:/
/ - Deafparent provides resources, information, links to family events and a forum to discuss deaf parenting issues.www. - RNID. https:/
/ . The Royal National Institute for Deaf People (RNID) campaigns for change, provides services and training, and actively supports scientific and technical research. They have a wealth of factsheets available free to download on everything from rights at work to hearing - Sense. https:/
/ - Sense is a national charity that supports and campaigns for children and adults who are deafblind.www.