If you are a health professional and would like to discuss a patient, the best way to refer to us is as follows.
Emergencies and urgent assessments (0-17 years)
Please telephone the on-call paediatric registrar so that arrangements can be made to see the patient in the correct location:
- t: 020 3447 9000 (bleep 5301)
- t: 07940 476 817
In case of emergency, please send the patient to the closest emergency department and let the on-call registrar know so that they are prepared for the patient.
Urgent outpatient and “first fit” referrals for Camden, Islington patients and local Westminster patients only (0-17)
Please refer to the University College London Hospitals rapid referral clinic. This is a pre-booked service via e-referrals and is for local patients only. See below in the how to refer section.
If you have any queries about the rapid referral clinic or your patient’s appointment, please contact the UCLH CYP outpatient department on the following:
- t: 020 3447 6565
- t: 020 3447 6531
- t: 020 3447 6539
- e: uclh.
enquiry. paediatricclinic. amendments @nhs.net
Babies with prolonged jaundice (14-28 days)
If the child is otherwise well, refer to the Advanced Neonatal Nurse Practitioner (ANNP) clinic:
- t: 07903 358 839
If the child is unwell, refer to the local paediatric unit.
Babies with prolonged jaundice (28 days or more)
Follow advice for rapid referral clinic.
Tongue Tie
Refer direct to the tongue tie service.
Urgent suspected cancer referrals (previously 2 week wait referrals)
Please telephone the patient’s local paediatric team for advice directly and if not being seen directly, submit the referral from to the local paediatric service.
Routine general paediatric referrals (0-17 years)
Please refer via eRS (see details below)
Advice and guidance
GPs who want advice only or clarification of the correct pathway of care for local patients can use Advice and Guidance on e-RS.
GPs who need urgent telephone advice about the correct pathway of care can call Consultant Connect which will divert to our consultant hotline held by the attending consultant on the wards / ED.
Any other queries
Questions directed to specific general paediatric consultants or for any other questions, the general paediatric admin team can be reached on:
How to refer:
Rapid referral clinic
Letter refer via eRS. Patient cannot walk in with a referral.
How to find service on e-RS
- Priority: Urgent
- Specialty: Children and Adolescents
- Clinic type: Other Medical
- Service name: Rapid Referral Clinic, Paediatrics Division: UCLH1-RRV
Please note: Rapid referrals which are urgent may be triaged with a wait time of up to two weeks.
Routine referrals
EMIS form
Referral methods: Email
Where to find the form
Barnet: BAR Global Documents > Referral Forms folder
Camden: Camden Global Documents > Children Services
Enfield: ENF Global Documents > Paediatric folder
Haringey: HAR Global Documents > Paediatric folder
Islington: ISL Global Documents > Paediatric folder
Referral methods: e-Referrals. Refer via e-RS.
How to find service on e-RS
Specialty: Children and Adolescents
Clinic type: Other Medical
Service name: Children & Young People
As per current sites
Service Feedback
As per current sites