- Children and young people's safeguarding service
- (Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm)
- Tel: 07984 389 643
- Email: uclh.
cypsafeguarding @nhs.net
- Urgent child safeguarding advice (out of office hours) – Paediatric Consultant Hotline via the UCLH Switchboard on 0203 456 7890
- Maternity safeguarding advice
- Tel: 020 3447 6105 or 07534 265 622
- Email: uclh.
maternity. safeguarding @nhs.net
Any immediate welfare concerns regarding children and young people should be reported to the police on 999 or 101.
UCLH works in partnership with the Camden Safeguarding Children Partnership to safeguard and protect our patients from harm and abuse.
Our safeguarding strategy requires all staff members within the Trust to work in accordance with the UCLH Child Safeguarding and Protection Policy with the underpinning values that:
- Every child matters and the welfare of children is paramount
- All UCLH staff share the responsibility to safeguard children and promote their wellbeing.
Staff are enabled to meet these requirements by; having access to support and help from the safeguarding team, receiving training in child safeguarding at the appropriate level and frequency and by the delivery of child safeguarding supervision to key staff members who hold cases.
We work collaboratively with our multi-agency partners across London and beyond to prevent exploitation, abuse or neglect for people who use our services.
We equip our staff with the relevant training, knowledge, skills, and resources to enable them to respond quickly and appropriately to keeping our patients safe.
The UCLH children nd young people's safeguarding service covers all elements of child safeguarding outlined in the Children Act 1989 and 2004 including physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, domestic abuse and criminal and sexual exploitation.
UCLH Trust adheres to its statutory duties in line with Section 11 of the Children Act 2004.
We work in partnership our colleagues such as the UCLH adult safeguarding team, maternity safeguarding team, The Lighthouse, Redthread and RESPOND.
Our named professionals are:
- Named doctor for children and young people's safeguarding: Dr Hannah Jacob
- Email: uclh.
nameddoctoruclh @nhs.net
- Email: uclh.
- Lead for children and young people's safeguarding: Farrah Quintyne
- Email: uclh.
cypsafeguarding @nhs.net
- Email: uclh.
- Named safeguarding midwife: Abby Dixon
Child Protection - Information Sharing (CP-IS)
The Child Protection - Information Sharing service (CP-IS) helps health and social care professionals share information securely to better protect: children with looked after status, those who have a child protection plan and expectant women who have an unborn child protection plan.
CP-IS links IT systems used across health and social care to help organisations share information securely.
Key members of UCLH staff can access this system for those children and young people who attend unscheduled care or those attending maternity appointments. Please see the below video for further information.