This service is part of Respond. We offer general paediatric clinic appointments at UCLH to children and young people seeking asylum and refugees (CYPSAR). Children are seen by a dedicated team of paediatricians with expertise in healthcare for this group, and in trauma-informed care. This includes children and young people seeking asylum who are unaccompanied (CYPSAR-U), in partnership with local children looked after health services. 

Appointments are of longer duration than standard appointments, and interpreters are provided. The clinic works closely with other Respond services, including the Respond advice and guidance multidisciplinary team (MDT) meeting and the children and young people’s infection, tropical medicine and parasitology services.

Clinics take place within the children and young people’s outpatients department. 

General enquiries

Service management


Children and Young People’s Outpatient Department
Lower Ground Floor
Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Building 
25 Grafton Way
London WC1E 6DB

Other referral information

  • Primary care referrals: Please refer via GP e-referrals system. If the patient requires attention within two weeks, please also email and attach referral letter (please note this is an email for professionals only) 

  • NB: For other Respond referrals (family infection screening, family complex care clinic or MDT), please email

Email addresses and phones are monitored during opening hours (Monday – Friday, 9am - 4 pm).

Appointments are scheduled based on clinical urgency.

General paediatric issues in children and young people seeking asylum and refugees.
