UCLH projects shortlisted for HSJ Digital Awards
18 March 2025
Publish date: 03 February 2023
The children and young people’s psychology team at UCLH run several groups throughout the year. All groups are for children and young people under the care of a consultant at UCLH.
DiaMEETes Group
When: October
Where: UCLH
Age: 8-11
The DiaMEETes group has been created with young people who live with Type 1 Diabetes. Children will meet other children with Type 1 Diabetes, get creative during the group and think about their strengths and supports, and hear stories from young people living with Type 1 Diabetes who help us to run our groups.
GReaT Group: transitioning to secondary school workshop
When: January and July
Where: Virtual and at UCLH
Age: Year 6
The GReaT parent workshop is available to all parents with children with diabetes who will be starting secondary school in the September of that year. The session runs virtually in January for 2 hours and focuses on starting well at secondary school, with opportunities to hear from peer young people and parents who have made the transition already, and who will be sharing their experiences of and tips for transition.
The GReaT summer workshop is available for parents and young people who will be starting secondary school in the September of that year. There is a young people’s group for half of the day and a parents’ group for the other half. The young people’s group offers opportunities to meet other young people and think together about transitioning in fun and creative ways.
Navigating the exam period
When: February
Where: Virtual
Age: Year 10-13
This is a workshop for young people living with a long term health condition. The workshop uses a strengths based narrative approach to enable young people to discuss the stresses surrounding exams and the additional challenges that having health problems add.
Young people will consider the resources they have to cope with the journey through exams, share ideas with each other for managing difficulties and learn new ways for stress reduction during exams and revision.
Rainbow Group
When: Throughout the year
Where: Virtual and at UCLH
Age: 13 and over
The rainbow group is for young people under a consultant at UCLH who identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community. We meet every 3 months virtually for 2 hours, and it’s a space for young people to connect and share experiences in a welcoming and supportive environment. Attendance of this group is not disclosed on records.
We also run an annual Rainbow of Life workshop, which is in person at UCLH, usually in October half term. This is a longer day and involves a group activity which gives the young people a chance to think about the important parts of their life and identity.
Tree of Life
When: February, August
Where: UCLH
Age: 12 and over
The Tree of Life project offers young people with diabetes the opportunity to meet with others living with Type 1 Diabetes and do an activity focusing on key parts of their life and strengths. Click on this link to find out more.
All groups will be advertised on our website and on Digibete beforehand. For more information about any of these groups or to be added to an interest list, please contact charlotte.
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