Twice as many men recover erectile function after improved prostate cancer surgery
24 March 2025
Publish date: 11 July 2024
The number of NHS funded sensors that you can receive in every shipment, is based on each sensor lasting the full number of days as advertised. We are often contacted to request early delivery of sensors because:
We have contacted the companies for clarity and information is listed below:
Early shipment:
Dexcom will allow you to bring your order forward by 10 days without hospital approval.
Until the end of August, we have agreed that any shipment can be brought forward without hospital approval. Your next scheduled delivery will remain at the same date. You will not receive any more sensors over the year, if you have an early shipment (and the next shipment will remain as originally planned).
Reporting failed/faulty sensors:
This needs to be done via Technical Support either of two ways:
Freestyle Libre 2
Early shipment:
Contact your community pharmacist in the first instance to see whether extra sensors can be dispensed on your repeat prescription.
If the pharmacy cannot authorise this, you will need to contact your GP to request another repeat prescription.
Reporting failed/faulty sensors:
Visit www.freestylelibre.co.uk, click the “Support” option followed by “Contact Us”. The sensor support form, live chat and customer careline number are all available.
Early shipment:
Please contact us, so we can discuss with Medtronic updating your account.
Reporting failed/faulty sensors:
Report immediately via the Medtronic helpline at 01923 205167
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