- Getting Ready for Transition to Secondary School (GReaT)
- Tandem TSlim X2 and Control IQ technology
- Diabetes school training September 2020
- New Facebook network for diabetes
- Staying healthy this winter
- Managing diabetes at Christmas - 2020
- 'On the go’ low GI breakfast recipes
- Strike the spike
- Sleep tips for families and young people
- COVID-19 Vaccine for 12-15 year olds (current page)
- Urgent Field Safety Notice
- Talking About Diabetes (TAD)
- How are we doing? Parent and Patient Reported Experience Measure (PREM) survey
- Medtronic Diabetes - Insulin Pump events
- Changes to the Carbs & Cals app
- Moving to adult diabetes services
- Welcome to the new members of the children and young people's diabetes team
- Navigating the exam period
- Upgrading from Diasend to Glooko
- MiniMed™ insulin pump battery cap field safety notice
- MiniMed™ Mio™ infusion sets
- GReaT - Getting Ready for Transition to secondary school
- Tree of Life
- Early sensor orders and reporting faulty sensors
- Upgrading to Glooko
- Tandem T:Slim X2 Field Notices - October 2022
- Omnipod DASH Field Safety Notice
- MiniMed™ 780G Patient Webinars
- The LUCY Project
- Navigating the exam period
- Getting Ready for Transition (GReaT) to secondary school
- Sign up for our Tree of Life workshop!
- Managing diabetes at Christmas time
- MiniMed™ 780G Patient Webinars
- Meeting other young people with diabetes
- Urgent Field Safety Notice - FreeStyle LibreLink and FreeStyle Libre 3 Android apps
- Discontinuation of MiniMed™ Mio™ Infusion sets
- Urgent Field Safety Notice: FreeStyle Libre® 2 Sensors
- DiaMEETes group - sign up now!
- Medtronic Extended Wear Infusion Set (EWIS)
- School care plans
- Isabelle's story
- FreeStyle LibreLink app for iOS - Urgent Field Safety Notice
- Omnipod 5 Update
- Sign up for the next Tree of Life workshop
- Field Safety Notice – CamAPS FX app version 1.4(172) and all previous versions
- Field Safety Notice – Dana I pump (or Diabecare DANA-i) (Manufactured before October 2022)
- DigiBete Care plan training for families - Monday 11 September at 6:30pm and Wednesday 13 September at 12pm
- Diasend® no longer available
- Navigating the exam period
- Understanding your child's behaviour
- FreeStyle Libre 2 Virtual Education Sessions
- CamAPS FX Field Safety Notice
- Field Safety Notice – Medtronic Guardian 4 sensors
- The DiaMEETes group
- JDRF Type 1 Diabetes Discovery Event and Technology Exhibition
- Tandem T:slim software update
- Navigating the Exam Period
- Tree of Life
- Diabetes UK Online event - Type 1 chat: type 1 and relationships
- DiaMEETes Group
- Omnipod 5 software update – Week commencing 15 July
- School Training Day - Monday 30 September
- Early sensor orders and reporting faulty sensors
- Understanding your child's behaviour - parent group
- Tree of Life
- New Digibete E-learning package for schools
- Getting Ready for Transition (GReaT) to secondary school
- Sleep Group
- Brain Hacks Workshop
- YES Workshop - £20 incentive for young people!
- DiaMEETes Group
- Tree of Life
- Join us in recycling Novo Nordisk pre-filled pens
- Transition Group - Moving to adult diabetes services
- How to Manage a Mammoth
- Diabetes Schools Study Day
- Navigating the exam period
- Collaborate for Care: Youth ideas matter!
- Omnipod 5 and Dexcom G7
Our consultant, Professor Russell Viner, has provided the following information which should answer your questions about the COVID-19 vaccine for young people with type 1 diabetes:
Young people aged 12-15 years with diabetes are eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine and we recommend that they would benefit from having two doses, in line with recommendations from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization (JCVI).
There has been a lot of debate about vaccination of teenagers against COVID-19, but the issues for those with diabetes are clearer. The risks for any teenager from COVID-19 are very very low, but those with diabetes do have a very small increase in risk, much as they do from influenza in fact.
The COVID-19 vaccines used in teenagers are extremely safe, although they do have very rare side-effects as does any medical treatment. When balancing the benefits of vaccination against the risks, the JCVI concluded that the benefits were greater than the very small risks for teenagers with medical conditions such as those with diabetes.
Young people receiving two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine should get their vaccine through their GP as the school system is only offering the single dose for young people without other medical conditions.
The government advice can be found here: