UCLH is one of only twelve specialist centres for the treatment of penile cancer in the UK and one of only two based in London. These centres form a supraregional network for penile cancer patients.

This means that all patients with suspected or diagnosed penile cancer must be referred to UCLH for specialist treatment which in most cases involves surgery and occasionally also requires radiotherapy or chemotherapy.

We recognise that being diagnosed with cancer can be a difficult time for you and those close to you. These web pages give you an overview of the expert care you can expect to receive at UCLH. You will also be introduced to the different types of healthcare professionals you may meet along the way.

As a designated national centre for penile cancer we provide expert medical and nursing care. We have a range of clinical trials available to our patients, pioneering new treatment approaches and state of the art imaging.

Patient contact

Other contact information

Other information

Mr Asif Muneer MD FRCS(Urol)
Consultant Urological Surgeon and Andrologist
Clinical Lead Urology
NIHR Biomedical Research Centre UCLH and Division of Surgery and Interventional Science UCL
Hon Secretary British Association of Urological Surgeons 

Mr Hussain Alnajjar
BSc(MedSci), ChM(Urol), FEBU, FRCS(Urol)
Consultant Urological Surgeon and Andrologist

Sadie Molloy, Clinical Nurse Specialist for Penile and Testicular Cancer
Telephone: 07852 219 921
Email: Sadie.molloy@nhs.net 

Mona Magan, Andrology Clinical Nurse Specialist
Tel: 07929 710 288
Email: mona.magan2@nhs.net



Penile cancer team
University College Hospital
UCLH & Westmoreland Street
16-18 Westmoreland Street
London W1G 8PH

Other referral information

2-Week Wait Referrals

Please send all 2-week wait referrals for all urological cancers via the following channels:

Email: uclh.2ww@nhs.net

Fax: 0203 447 9932

Phone: 0203 447 9599

Access to patient results

Results will be included in letters to GPs and consultants. However, GPs can also contact the relevant PA by phone or post.

Referral enquiries

For queries after a 2-week wait referral has been confirmed to have been received, or for non-2-week wait referrals, please use the following contacts:

2-Week Wait Referrals

Please send all 2-week wait referrals for all urological cancers via the following channels:

Email: uclh.2ww@nhs.net

Fax: 0203 447 9932

Phone: 0203 447 9599

Access to patient results

Results will be included in letters to GPs and consultants. However, GPs can also contact the relevant PA by phone or post.