We have developed our programme of workshops, classes and courses in response to the common concerns people affected by cancer or a blood condition experience.
These activities aim to support you at any stage of your care pathway – from diagnosis, throughout treatment and beyond. Some activities are also available to friends, family members and carers.
Our chair-based exercise class is for anyone who wants to get stronger and more able to do everyday activities.
At the class you will:
- gradually strengthen your muscles.
- improve your ability to move more easily.
Who can join the class?
Anyone under the care of UCLH for cancer or a blood condition can join the group.
When are the classes held?
currently suspended
Where are the classes held?
At the Macmillan Support and Information Service, on the ground floor of the UCH Cancer Centre.
Where can I get more information or book my place?
Each class has a limited number of places available, so please make sure to reserve yours in advance.
For more information or to book your place:
- call 020 3447 3816
- email uclh.
supportandinformation (please include your full name, hospital number and the group you'd like to join in your email)@nhs.net - ask a member of staff at the UCLH Macmillan Support and Information Service, on the ground floor of the UCH Macmillan Cancer Centre.
Information for the day of the classes
Please don't come to the Cancer Centre if you have a cold, cough, sore throat or any flu-like symptoms.
If possible, please arrive 15 minutes before the group starts. This will give you time to greet the other members of the group beforehand and get ready for the class.
- The Cancer Centre doesn't have changing rooms, so please come to the class already dressed in comfortable exercise clothes.
The creative writing group gives you an opportunity to put your thoughts on paper and share them, if you like, with other people who understand what you may be going through.
The sessions are run by a volunteer and a support and information specialist.
Who can join the group?
The group is for anyone affected by cancer or a blood condition, including patients and their family members, carers and friends.
You don’t need to have any previous experience or knowledge of creative writing.
When is the group?
The group meets on the 1st Tuesday of each month, 4pm to 6pm.
Where does the group take place?
You can join the group either in person (at the UCLH Macmillan Support and Information Service) or online (on Zoom).
Where can I get more information or book my place?
For more information or to book your place:
- call 020 3447 3816
- email uclh.
supportandinformation (please include your full name, hospital number and the group you'd like to join in your email)@nhs.net - ask a member of staff at the UCLH Macmillan Support and Information Service, on the ground floor of the UCH Macmillan Cancer Centre.
Information for people attending the group in person
Please don't come to the Cancer Centre if you have a cold, cough, sore throat or any flu-like symptoms.
If possible, please arrive 15 minutes before the group starts. This will give you time to greet the other members of the group beforehand.
Information for people attending the group online
- The meeting will be on Zoom.
- We’ll send you the invite, with the Zoom link, the day before the group is held.
- If possible, please have your camera on during the group.
Comments from those who attended the sessions:
“It has been a life saver. I make a real effort to pluck myself out of my home to attend regularly. It has improved my self-esteem and halted a tendency to lapse into depression.”
“It has brought back hope to me when I had given up.”
At this online talk you’ll get helpful tips on how to eat well during and after cancer treatment. And clear, evidence-based information about soya, dairy, sugar and the alkaline diet. There will be time for you to ask any questions you have about cancer and your diet.
Visit our events page for upcoming dates and more information. If you can't find upcoming dates on our events page, please contact our support and information specialists for info. You can email uclh.
We also have a video giving tips and advice about healthy eating.
Do you find it difficult to fall asleep? Or maybe you wake up in the night or wake up too early?
If so, watch our Improve your sleep video which gives tips and techniques to help you to overcome sleep problems. If you need further advice or support after watching the video, book on our Improve your sleep talk.
Check our events page for upcoming dates and more information. If you can't find upcoming dates on our events page, please contact our support and information specialists for info. You can email uclh.
You can also visit our health and wellbeing webpage, where you'll find a variety of helpful resources to manage sleep problems.
A few comments from those who attended the talk:
“Lots of good tips!”
“I am more motivated to help myself achieve a sleep routine.”
”I am more aware of what steps to take.”
At the event, you'll get tips and advice on what you can do to recover well from cancer treatment.
We will focus on the following areas:
- Managing your own and others’ expectations of your recovery.
- Taking care of your emotional wellbeing.
- Managing your fatigue.
- Eating well.
- Improving your sleep.
- Being active.
You’ll also have the time to talk to the others in the group and share your experiences.
Who can join the group?
The group is for anyone who has recently finished, or is on maintenance, cancer treatment.
Where does the group take place?
At the Macmillan Support and Information Service, on the ground floor of the Macmillan Cancer Centre.
Where can I get more information or book my place?
For more information or to book your place:
- call 020 3447 3816
- email uclh.
supportandinformation (please include your full name, hospital number and the name of the group in your email)@nhs.net - ask a member of staff at the Macmillan Support and Information Service.
Information for the days of the event
- Please don't come to the Cancer Centre if you have a cold, cough, sore throat or any flu-like symptoms.
Join us for a friendly and relaxed afternoon full of tips about skin care and make-up from beauty professionals.
You will learn how to apply make-up that suits your style, and find out about ways to build up your eyebrows and lashes. You will also receive a make-up goody bag at the end of the session.
This workshop is for people who've had changes to their skin texture, eyebrows and eyelashes after cancer treatments.
The workshop is run in partnership with Look Good Feel Better (LGFB), the only international cancer support charity that helps women manage the visible side effects of cancer treatment.
When are the workshops held?
We hold workshops on the last Monday of the month, from 1.30pm to 3.30pm.
Where does the workshop take place?
At the UCLH Macmillan Support and Information Service, on the ground floor of the Macmillan Cancer Centre.
Where can I get more information?
For more information:
call 020 3447 3816
ask a member of staff at the Macmillan Support and Information Service
Visit the LGFB website
How can I book my place?
Visit the LGFB website to book on a workshop.
Information for the day of the workshop
Please don't come to the Cancer Centre if you have a cold, cough, sore throat or any flu-like symptoms.
If possible, please arrive 15 minutes before the workshop starts. This will give you time to greet the other members of the group beforehand.
Do you have low energy? Do you struggle with chores and tasks that you were more able to do before having cancer treatment? Do you find it difficult to concentrate or keep your focus?
If so, watch our Manage your fatigue video which gives helpful tips and techniques. If you need further advice or support after watching the video, book on our Manage your fatigue talk
Check our events page for upcoming dates and more information. If you can't find upcoming dates on our events page, please contact our support and information specialists for info. You can email uclh.
You can also visit our health and wellbeing webpage, where you'll find a variety of helpful resources to help you to cope with fatigue.
A comments from someone who has attended the workshop:
“I feel more motivated to make lifestyle changes.” “I have found the workshop helpful and will share insights with others who are having treatment.”
We understand that learning that you have cancer can feel overwhelming. It’s natural to worry about what comes next and how to take care of yourself during treatment.
Join our session to get information, support and advice to help you to manage the physical and emotional impact of treatment.
You’ll get info on:
- being active
- eating well
- taking care of your emotional wellbeing
- managing fatigue.
You’ll have the chance to ask the nurses, who are leading the group, any questions you have. And you’ll meet other people who are starting cancer treatment. We can also refer you to other specialist services.
Where is the session held?
The session is held online, on Zoom.
When is the session held?
We host this session on the 3rd Wednesday of each month, 10am to 11.30am.
How can I book my place or get more information?
For more information or to book your place:
call 020 3447 3816
email uclh.
supportandinformation . (please include your full name, hospital number and the name of the group in your email)@nhs.net -
ask a member of staff at the UCLH Macmillan Support and Information Service, on the ground floor of the Macmillan Cancer Centre.
What happens once I've booked my place?
We'll email you a Zoom invite the day before the class is held. Details on how to join the group will be on the email invite.
Discover the art of paper folding and festive decoration making with our creative specialist who will guide you through the process.
Everyone is welcome - patients, family members, carers and friends.
All you need to join the group is paper and scissors (and a computer).
When is the class?
The classes are held on the second Friday of each month from 3.30pm to 4.30pm.
Where is the class held?
The classes are held online, on Zoom.
How can I book my place or get more information?
To book your place, or for more information:
- call 0203 447 3816
- email uclh.
supportandinformation (please include your full name, hospital number and the name of the group in your email).@nhs.net - ask a member of staff at the UCLH Macmillan Support and Information Service, on the ground floor of the Macmillan Cancer Centre
What happens after I've booked my place?
We'll email you a Zoom invite the day before the class is held. Details on how to join the group will be on the email invite.
Learn relaxation techniques to practice at home and use when you need them. Relaxation can help you to reduce stress, and improve your sleep and wellbeing.
You can either join our weekly group or a one-off workshop.
Who can join the group or workshop?
Anyone under the care of University College London Hospitals for cancer or a blood condition can attend.
When are the groups and workshop held?
Weekly group: Mondays, 1pm to 2pm
Workshop: The 2nd Friday of each month,12.45pm to 1.45pm
Where are they held?
The groups and workshop are held online, on Zoom.
How can I join the group or workshop?
Ask your hospital doctor, nurse, support and information specialist or another healthcare professional to refer you. The support and information specialist contact details are below.
How can I get more information?
You can get more information from a support and information specialist the following ways:
- email uclh.
supportandinformation (please include your full name, hospital number and the name of the group in your email)@nhs.net - call 020 3447 3186
- ask a member of staff at the UCLH Macmillan Support and Information Service, on the ground floor of the Macmillan Cancer Centre.
What happens once I've been referred?
A member of the complementary therapy will call you to discuss your referral. They will then book your place on the group or workshop.
We'll email you a Zoom invite the day before the group or workshop is held.
To book on a workshop or course, or to find out more information, contact the support and information specialists by emailing uclh.
If you're under the care of UCLH for cancer or a blood condition, you can access all of the activities. If you're under the care of another hospital, or if you're a friend, carer or family member, please speak to one of the support and information specialists to find out which activities you will can take part in.