Event date and time: 20 November 2024, 2:00pm to 4:00pm

Event location: Online, on Zoom

Event category:

  • Support groups

The myeloma support group is for people under the care of University College London Hospitals for myeloma. Family, friends and carers can also join.

It provides a safe space to talk to others, share experiences or simply listen.

A guest speaker is invited to the first part of the session every other month. The group is facilitated by a support and information specialist and a clinical nurse specialist. 


When is the group held?

The group is held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month, from 2pm to 4pm.


Where is the group held?

The group is held online, on Zoom.


How can I get more information or book my place? 

For more information or to book your place: 

  • call 020 3447 3816  

  • email uclh.supportandinformation@nhs.net (please include your full name, hospital number and the name of the group in your email) 

  • ask a member of staff at the Macmillan Support and Information Service, on the ground floor of the Macmillan Cancer Centre. 


What happens once I've booked my place?
  • We’ll send you the invite, with the Zoom link, the day before the group is held. 
  • If possible, please have your camera on during the group.