The Holistic Needs Assessment (HNA) is a simple questionnaire, specially designed to support people living with cancer. The assessment is usually completed electronically. If you would prefer to complete the assessment on paper, please ask one of the health care professionals involved in your care who will be able to give you a copy.

The HNA helps to identify your greatest needs and concerns and ensures your physical, practical, emotional, spiritual and social needs are discussed and addressed in a timely and appropriate way. One of the health care professionals involved with your care will arrange to discuss the assessment with you and together you will develop an individualised care and support plan.

You will be offered a HNA at key points in your treatment pathway to support you as an individual. Please do complete your Holistic Needs Assessment when offered as it helps us to support you as an individual. 

HNA Patient Information Leaflet RNOH

HNA Patient Information Leaflet UCLH

If you haven’t been offered a HNA and would like to complete one, please ask your Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS), Cancer Support Worker or one of the health care professionals involved in your treatment.