UCLH is a specialist centre for the treatment of bladder cancer and is the Pelvic Cancer Centre for North Central and North East London Cancer Alliance.

This means that patients will continue to receive some of their cancer care at their local hospital but may be seen at UCLH for some treatment: for example intravesical treatments (treatments given into the bladder), surgery or specialist radiotherapy.

Most bladder cancers can be managed by removing the bladder tumour from the lining of the bladder using instruments passed along the urethra or water pipe under anaesthetic.

More advanced bladder cancer may require surgery to remove the bladder, or radiotherapy. The surgery is called cystectomy and UCLH is one of the few hospitals in the UK that performs cystectomy using the da Vinci robotic surgical system. The majority of patients have robotic cystectomy; our surgeons either reconstruct the bladder or create a stoma using the robotic or keyhole techniques which have been pioneered at UCLH.

We recognise that being diagnosed with cancer can be a difficult time for you and those close to you. These web pages give you an overview of the expert care you can expect to receive at UCLH. You will also be introduced to the different types of healthcare professional you may meet along the way.

As a designated centre for bladder cancer we provide expert medical and nursing care, and have a range of clinical trials available to our patients, pioneering new treatment approaches.

Other contact information

Clinical enquiries (Clinical Nurse Specialists)
8am - 4pm Monday – Friday (excluding bank holidays)

Richard Weston, Macmillan Bladder Clinical Nurse Specialist
Email: richard.weston2@nhs.net

Hilary Baker, Macmillan Lead Clinical Nurse Specialist for Uro-oncology
Email: hilary.baker2@nhs.net

Kay Boyer, Bladder Cancer Clinical Nurse Specialist 
Email: kay.boyer1@nhs.net 
Tel: 07977 079 333

Daniel Richardson, Macmillan Enhanced Recovery Clinical Nurse Specialist 
Email: daniel.richardson12@nhs.net 

Administrative enquiries
9am - 5pm, Monday – Friday (excluding bank holidays)

Haematuria referrals and superficial bladder cancer and renal appointments: uclh.urology.sbcandrenal@nhs.net

Haematuria referrals and flexible cystoscopy bookings: 020 3447 7901

Superficial bladder cancer follow-up appointments, surgery dates for GA cystoscopy and TURBT and renal appointments: 020 3447 9485

For queries regarding cystectomy admissions please contact 020 3447 7031uclh.urology.cystectomy@nhs.net


Bladder cancer services
UCLH at Westmoreland Street
16-18 Westmoreland Street
London, W1G 8PH

GP contact

Other referral information

2-Week Wait Referrals

Please send all 2-week wait referrals for haematuria (visible and non-visble) via the E-referral service. ERS: 2WW – Haematuria – Suspected Bladder Cancer(RAS) – UCLH – RRV

For queries following a 2-week wait referral:

Email: uclh.urology.sbcandrenal@nhs.net

Phone: 020 3447 7901

Inter-trust referrals (ITR)

Please email ITR form to ucl-tr.uro-ca-ctr@nhs.net; the patient's referral will be reviewed in our SMDT.

Access to patient results

Results will be included in letters to GPs and consultants. However, GPs can also contact us using the contact details provided above.