Professional background

Alistair Escott is a New Zealand trained general and colorectal surgeon. During this time he completed at PhD through the University of Auckland.

Following his general surgical training in Auckland he spent two years in Sydney on the prestigious Colorectal Surgical Society of Australia and New Zealand fellowship programme. One year of this was at Westmead Hosptial focused on laparoscopic colorectal cancer resections. The second year was at the internationally renowned Royal Prince Alfred Hospital focused on multi-disciplinary advanced colorectal and pelvic cancer with rotations in pelvic exenteration, cytoreductive surgery, retroperitoneal and pelvic sarcoma and robotic surgery.

He emigrated to the United Kingdom to advance his training in advanced colorectal cancer with fellowships at UCLH, St Thomas’ and the Royal College of Surgeons of England Minimally and Maximally Invasive Colorectal Cancer Fellow at St Mark’s the National Bowel Hospital, London.

His primary interests are in locally advanced colorectal cancer, pelvic exenteration, improving patient pathways and surgical education.

Research interests

  • Colorectal Cancer
  • Surgical education
  • Critical illness 


  • Escott ABJ, Phillips ARJ, Windsor JA. The role of the intestine and mesenteric lymph in the development of systemic inflammation and MODS in severe acute pancreatitis. In: Beger HG, Warshaw AL, Hruban R, et al., eds. The Pancreas 4th ed: Wiley; 2023 3rd ed 2016. Textbook chapter. 
  • Escott A, Hong J, Connor B, Phang K, Holden A, Phillips A, Windsor JA. Sampling thoracic duct lymph after oesophagectomy:  a pilot to investigate the ‘gut-lymph’ concept. Lymphatic Res Biol 2022 20 (3) 260-274. Original research. PMID 34582739 
  • Toh JWTT, Wang H, Collins G, Beinke C, Zhang E, Escott ABJ, El-Khoury T, Pathma-Nathan N. Transanal minimally invasive surgery to rescue anastomosis following leak after low anterior resection: A case report. Lap Endo Rob Surg 2021; 4(4): 121-124. Case report. PMID  
  • Cao E, Watt M, Nowell C, Quach T, Simpson J, Gracia S, Chu H, Lam A, Luojuna H, Segal G, Escott A, Hong J, Windsor J, Phillips A, Srivastava A, Creek D, Harvey N, Porter C, Trevaskis, N. Mesenteric lymphatic dysfunction promotes insulin resistance in adipose tissue and represents a novel treatment target in obesity. Nature Metabolism 2021; 3(9): 1175-88. Original research. PMID 34545251. 
  • Trevaskis NL, Lee G, Escott A, Phang KL, Hong J, Cao E, Katneni K, Charman SA, Han S, Charman WN, Phillips ARJ, Windsor JA and Porter CJH.  Intestinal lymph flow, a lipid and drug transport scale allometrically from pre-clinical species to humans. Front Physol 2020; (11): 4588. Original research. PMID 32670074.  
  • Ratnayake CBB, Escott ABJ, Phillips ARJ, Windsor JA. The anatomy and physiology of the terminal thoracic duct and ostial valve in health and disease: potential implications for intervention. J Anat 2018; 233 (1): 1-14. Systematic review. PMID 29635686.  
  • Windsor JA, Escott ABJ, Brown LA, Philips ARJ. Novel strategies for the treatment of acute pancreatitis based on the determinants of severity. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2017 32(11): 1796-1803. Review. PMID 28294403.  
  • Wang W, Escott ABJ, Phang L, Petrov MS, Phillips AJP, Windsor JA. Indications, techniques and clinical outcomes of thoracic duct interventions in patients: a forgotten literature? J Surg Res 2016; 204(1): 213-27. Systematic review. PMID 27451889.  
  • Escott AB, Pochin RS. Repair of a posterior perforation of the trachea following thyroidectomy with a muscle transposition flap. Ear Nose Throat J 2016; 95(2): E14-7. Case report. PMID 26930337. 
  • Escott ABJ, Phillips ARJ, Windsor JA. Locoregional pathophysiology in acute pancreatitis:  pancreas and intestine. In: Adams DB, Cotton PB, Zyromski NJ, Windsor J, eds. Pancreatitis: medical and surgical management: Wiley; 2016. Textbook chapter. 
  • Escott A, Windsor J. Early management of biliary pancreatitis. In: Cox M, Padbury R, Eslick G, eds. The Management of Gallstone Diesease - A Practical Approach Based on Evidence: Springer; 2016. Textbook chapter. 
  • Escott, A. Elder, D. Zuccollo, J. Sudden unexpected infant death and bedsharing: Referrals to the Wellington Coroner 1997-2007. NZMJ 2009, 122(1298), 59-68. Original research. PMID 19680305.
  • Escott, A. Learning clinical skills: student stakeholder perceptions of clinical skills teaching and assessment. NZMSJ 2006; 5: 28-31. Original research.