Professional background

Dr Margari graduated from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, the number 1 ranked medical school in Greece, in 2007. She embarked upon a career in the United Kingdom in 2010, successfully completing every step of recognised formal medical training thereafter. This culminated in acceptance to a highly prestigious national training number programme in Diabetes and Endocrinology in the North Thames Region. This specialist rotation included training posts at The Royal London Hospital and St Bartholomew’s Hospital, during which time she was exposed to all aspects of the acute general medical take and academic centre level metabolic medicine. Dr Margari also spent an extra year of her formal training programme entirely devoted to conducting research and gaining experience in the assessment and management of diabetes in pregnancy. She has separate Certificates of Completion of Training in both General Internal Medicine and Diabetes and Endocrinology. These were both awarded in December 2020 at which time she became a Consultant in Diabetes and Endocrinology at University College Hospitals London NHS Foundation Trust. Dr Margari has been on the Specialist Register ever since (GMC Number 7067496). 

Dr Margari is now the Lead for inpatient diabetes care at UCLH. She has demonstrated expertise in the application of technology in Type 1 diabetes treatment. This includes the assessment of patient eligibility for and long term maintenance use of automated insulin delivery systems and continuous glucose monitoring sensors. Over and above the routine care of Type 1 and Type 2, she has an avid interest in managing atypical phenotypes such as MODY, LADA and mitochondrial diabetes. Dr Margari is wholly committed to bridging the gap between primary and secondary care. For instance, she convenes twice monthly multi-disciplinary meetings with intermediate diabetes teams covering the Boroughs of Camden and Islington. These forums are an opportunity for community diabetes nurses to discuss the management of difficult or complex cases directly with an academic centre specialist. Dr Margari also receives new referrals from both primary and secondary care to her once weekly lipid clinic where she focusses on the ascertainment of cardiometabolic risk and optimisation of that risk profile, diagnosis and management of all subtypes of familial hypercholesterolaemia and providing the appropriate access to all guideline-mandated lipid-lowering therapy. And finally, given her training background, Dr Margari is passionate about managing diabetes in pregnancy. This is a highly sub-specialist field in which she works very closely with her Obstetrician colleagues at UCLH to bring about the very best outcome for mother and baby. 

Outside of the clinical arena, Dr Margari is an educational supervisor for junior doctors in training and also plays a leading role in organising and providing diabetes and endocrinology teaching to medical undergraduates from University College London.


Research interests

Dr Margari also spent an extra year of her formal training programme entirely devoted to conducting research and gaining experience in the assessment and management of diabetes in pregnancy.

Languages spoken
