Professional background
Natasha Curran is a consultant in anaesthesia and pain medicine at UCLH.
She studied Medicine at the University of Liverpool, qualifying with Honours and a BSc. Natasha trained in Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine at University College Hospitals, The Royal Marsden and the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, Stanmore. Natasha was previously the education and research fellow at the Centre for Anaesthesia.
Her key interests are in abdomino-pelvic pain medicine, anaesthesia, simulation based training and medical leadership in the NHS.
Research interests
Anaesthesia, pain medicine, abdominal and pelvic pain
- Abdominopelvic pain syndromes. Rea W, Currran N. Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain. BJA. In Press May 2014.
- Chronic pain after surgery: pathophysiology, risk factors and prevention. Reddi D, Curran N. Postgrad Med J 2014;0:1–6
- Preoperative pain scores do not predict morphine requirements or pain scores following laparoscopy for endometriosis. Chatten K, Holding J, Smart S, Curran N, Almadi B, Brandner B. Poster at 14th World Congress in Pain, Milan, August 2012.
- The effectiveness of specialised pain management programmes: Benchmarking against published outcomes for general pain management programme. Edwards S…Curran N. Poster at the British Pain Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Liverpool, 2012
- Diagnosis and management of haemorrhagic and septic shock. Cormack C, Curran. In Acute Gynaecology and Early Pregnancy Eds Jurkovic D, Farquharson R. RCOG Bookshop, 2011.
- Emerging therapies and novel approaches to visceral pain. Wesselmann U, Baranowski A, Börjesson M, Curran N, Czakanski P Giamberardino M, Ness T, Robbins M, Traub R. Drug Discovery Today: Therapeutic Strategies. Drug Discov Today Ther Strateg. 2009 AUTUMN; 6(3): 89–95.