Professional background

Dr Jonathan Lambert is a consultant haematologist at UCLH and honorary associate professor at UCL Cancer Institute. He has particular expertise in the diagnosis and management of patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs) and lymphomas. He is the clinical service lead for the UCLH MPN service, a member of the UK National MPN NCRI subgroup, and has a very active MPN research portfolio. He is also the UCLH cancer data and digital clinical lead.

Dr Lambert undertook post-graduate medical training in Sydney, Birmingham and London, and specialist training in haematology at University College Hospital. He completed a PhD in molecular haematology at the UCL Cancer Institute, evaluating the clonal origins of MPNs.

Research interests

  • Clinical trials in myeloproliferative neoplasms and lymphoma


  • UK guidelines for the investigation and management of eosinophilia in returning travellers and migrants. Thakker C, Warrell C, Barrett J, Booth HL, Chiodini PL, Defres S, Falconer J, Jacobs N, Jones J, Lambert J, Leong C, McBride A, Moore E, Moshiri T, Nabarro LE, O'Hara G, Stone N, van Halsema C, Checkley AM; British Infection Association. J Infect. 2024 Nov 12;90(2):106328.
  • Clinical utility of investigations in triple-negative thrombocytosis: A real-world, multicentre evaluation of UK practice. Godfrey AL, Sousos N, Frewin R, Prahladan M, Green AC, McGregor A, Khan A, Milne K, Amin F, Torre E, Gudgin EJ, Lambert JR, Wilson AJ, Royston D, Harrison CN, Mead AJ. Br J Haematol. 2024 Oct;205(4):1411-1416. doi: 10.1111/bjh.19643.
  • Brexucabtagene autoleucel for relapsed or refractory mantle cell lymphoma in the United Kingdom: A real-world intention-to-treat analysis. O'Reilly MA, Wilson W, Burns D, Kuhnl A, Seymour F, Uttenthal B, Besley C, Alajangi R, Creasey T, Paneesha S, Elliot J, Gonzalez Arias C, Iyengar S, Wilson MR, Delaney A, Rubio L, Lambert J, Begg K, Boyle S, Cheok KPL, Collins GP, Roddie C, Johnson R, Sanderson R.​​​​​​​ Hemasphere. 2024 Jun 13;8(6):e87. doi: 10.1002/hem3.87. PMID: 38873532;
  • Outcomes and characteristics of nonmelanoma skin cancers in patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms on ruxolitinib. Alex Rampotas, Luke Carter-Brzezinski, Tim C P Somervaille, James Forryan, Fotios Panitsas, Claire Harrison, Ruth Witherall, Andrew J Innes, Louise Wallis, Naumann M Butt, Bethan Psaila , Adam J Mead , Matthew Carter , Anna L Godfrey , Heather Laing , Mamta Garg , Sebastian Francis , Joanne Ewing , Chun Huat Teh , Hannah Bibi Cowen, Peter Dyer , Conall McConville , Frances Wadelin , Ali Sahra , Andrew McGregor , Elizabeth Kulakov , Donal P McLornan, Jonathan Lambert. Blood. 2024 Jan 11;143(2):178-182. doi: 10.1182/blood.2023022345
  • The management of myelofibrosis: A British Society for Haematology Guideline. Donal P McLornan, Bethan Psaila 2, Joanne Ewing, Andrew Innes, Siamak Arami, Jessica Brady, Nauman M Butt, Catherine Cargo, Nicholas C P Cross , Sebastian Francis , Rebecca Frewin , Mamta Garg , Anna L Godfrey , Anna Green , Alesia Khan, Steve Knapper , Jonathan Lambert, Andrew McGregor , Mary Frances McMullin , Jyoti Nangalia , Pratap Neelakantan, Claire Woodley , Adam Mead, Tim C P Somervaille , Claire N Harrison. Br J Haematol. 2024 Jan;204(1):136-150. doi: 10.1111/bjh.19186. Epub 2023 Dec 1.
  • Diagnosis and management of mantle cell lymphoma: A British Society for Haematology Guideline. Toby A Eyre, Mark J Bishton, Rory McCulloch, Maeve O'Reilly, Robin Sanderson, Geetha Menon, Sunil Iyengar, David Lewis, Jonathan Lambert, Kim M Linton , Pamela McKay.​​​​​​​ Br J Haematol 2024 Jan;204(1):108-126. doi: 10.1111/bjh.19131.
  • Diagnosis and evaluation of prognosis of myelofibrosis: A British Society for Haematology Guideline. Donal P McLornan, Anna L Godfrey, Anna Green, Rebecca Frewin, Siamak Arami, Jessica Brady, Nauman M Butt, Catherine Cargo, Joanne Ewing, Sebastian Francis , Mamta Garg , Claire Harrison , Andrew Innes , Alesia Khan, Steve Knapper , Jonathan Lambert, Adam Mead, Andrew McGregor , Pratap Neelakantan , Bethan Psaila 15 , Tim C P Somervaille , Claire Woodley , Jyoti Nangalia , Nicholas C P Cross , Mary Frances McMullin​​​​​​​ Br J Haematol. 2024 Jan;204(1):127-135. doi: 10.1111/bjh.19164.
  • Indirect treatment comparison of brexucabtagene autoleucel (ZUMA-2) versus standard of care (SCHOLAR-2) in relapsed/refractory mantle cell lymphoma. Georg Hess, Martin Dreyling, Lucie Oberic, Eva Gine, Pier Luigi Zinzani, Kim Linton, Adam Vilmar, Mats Jerkeman, Jenny M H Chen, Anke Ohler, Stephan Stilgenbauer, Catherine Thieblemont, Jonathan Lambert, Vittorio Ruggero Zilioli, Juan-Manuel Sancho, Ana Jimenez-Ubieto, Luca Fischer, Toby A Eyre, Sam Keeping, Julie E Park, James J Wu, Ana Nunes, John Reitan, Sally W Wade, Gilles Salles.​​​​​​​ Leuk Lymphoma 2024 Jan;65(1):14-25. doi: 10.1080/10428194.2023.2268228.
  • Ibrutinib as first-line therapy for mantle cell lymphoma: a multicenter, real-world UK study. Ann Tivey 1, Rohan Shotton 1, Toby A Eyre, David Lewis, Louise Stanton, Rebecca Allchin, Harriet Walter, Fiona Miall, Rui Zhao, Anna Santarsieri, Rory McCulloch, Mark Bishton, Amy Beech, Victoria Willimott, Nicole Fowler, Claudia Bedford, Jack Goddard, Sam Protheroe, Angharad Everden, David Tucker, Josh Wright, Vasavi Dukka, Miriam Reeve, Shankara Paneesha, Mahesh Prahladan, Andrew Hodson, Iman Qureshi, Manasvi Koppana, Mary Owen, Kushani Ediriwickrema, Helen Marr, Jamie Wilson, Jonathan Lambert , David Wrench, Claire Burney, Chloe Knott, Georgina Talbot, Adam Gibb, Angela Lord, Barry Jackson, Simon Stern, Taylor Sutton , Amy Webb, Marketa Wilson, Nicky Thomas, Jane Norman, Elizabeth Davies, Lisa Lowry, Jamie Maddox, Neil Phillips, Nicola Crosbie, Marcin Flont, Emma Nga, Andres Virchis, Raisa Guerrero Camacho, Wunna Swe, Arvind Pillai, Clare Rees, James Bailey, Steve Jones, Susan Smith, Faye Sharpley, Catherine Hildyard, Sajir Mohamedbhai, Toby Nicholson, Simon Moule, Anshuman Chaturvedi, Kim Linton.​​​​​​​Blood Adv  2024 Mar 12;8(5):1209-1219. doi: 10.1182/bloodadvances.2023011152.
  • Cardiovascular risk in a contemporary cohort of patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms'. Dipal Mehta, Samah Alimam, Donal P McLornan, John A Henry, Syeda Ahmed, Arjun K Ghosh, Sara Tyebally, John M Walker, Riyaz Patel, Rodothea Amerikanou, Jenny O'Nions, Andrew J Wilson  Jonathan Lambert, Mallika Sekhar, Daniel Chen. Curr Res Transl Med. 2024 Mar;72(1):103420. doi: 10.1016.
  • Adoptive Immunotherapy via Donor Lymphocyte Infusions following Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation for Myelofibrosis: A Real-World, Retrospective Multicenter Study. Rampotas A, Sockel K, Panitsas F, Theuser C, Bornhauser M, Hernani R, Hernandez-Boluda JC, Esquirol A, Avenoso D, Tsirigotis P, Robin M, Czerw T, Helbig G, Roddie C, Lambert J, McLornan DP. Transplant Cell Ther. 2023 Aug 24:S2666-6367(23)01502-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jtct.2023.08.020. Online ahead of print
  • Biallelic deleterious germline SH2B3 variants cause a novel syndrome of myeloproliferation and multi-organ autoimmunity. Blombery P, Pazhakh V, Albuquerque AS, Maimaris J, Tu L, Briones Miranda B, Evans F, Thompson ER, Carpenter B, Proctor I, Curtin JA, Lambert J, Burns SO, Lieschke GJ. EJHaem. 2023 Apr 30;4(2):463-469. doi: 10.1002/jha2.698
  • Investigating eosinophilia. Thakker C, Booth HL, Lambert J, Morgan S, Checkley AM. BMJ. 2023 Feb 3;380:e070295.
  • Risk assessment of potential CAR T candidates receiving a covalent Bruton tyrosine kinase inhibitor for relapsed/refractory disease.  O'Reilly MA, Sanderson R, Wilson W, Iyengar S, Lambert J, McCulloch R, Eyre TA; BSH Guidelines Committee Haemato-oncology Task Force. Br J Haematol. 2022 Oct;199(1):40-44. doi: 10.1111/bjh.18378. Epub 2022 Jul 27
  • Real-world experience among patients with relapsed/refractory mantle cell lymphoma after Bruton tyrosine kinase inhibitor failure in Europe: The SCHOLAR-2 retrospective chart review study. Hess G, Dreyling M, Oberic L, Gine E, Zinzani PL, Linton K, Vilmar A, Jerkeman M, Chen JMH, Ohler A, Stilgenbauer S, Thieblemont C, Lambert J, Zilioli VR, Sancho JM, Ubieto AJ, Fischer L, Eyre TA, Keeping S, Park JE, Wu JJ, Siddiqi R, Reitan J, Wade S, Salles G. Br J Haematol. 2022 Oct 18. doi: 10.1111/bjh.18519
  • Myeloproliferative neoplasms in adolescents and young adults. Amerikanou R, Lambert J, Alimam S. Best Pract Res Clin Haematol. 2022 Jun;35(2):101374. doi: 10.1016/j.beha.2022.101374
  • Cardio-oncology Issues in Lymphoma Patients. Alex Bryne, Lambert J, Derek Yellon, Malcolm Walker, Suganya Sivabalasingham, Arjun K Ghosh. Isr Med Assoc J. 2022 Mar;24(3):159-164.
  • Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (review), Northend M & Lambert J, Medicine, Volume 49, Issue 5, 2021, Pages 293-300
  • Coexistent antiphospholipid syndrome and myeloproliferative neoplasm. Sayar, Z., Nallamilli, S., Efthymiou, M., Lambert, J., & Cohen, H. Coexistent antiphospholipid syndrome and myeloproliferative neoplasm. Lupus July 2021. doi:10.1177/09612033211021154
  • Treatment patterns and outcomes of unfit and elderly patients with mantle cell lymphoma unfit for standard immunochemotherapy: A UK and Ireland analysis. Rampotas, Alexandros; Wilson, Matthew R.; Lomas, Oliver; Denny, Nicholas; Leary, Heather; Ferguson, Graeme; McKay, Pamela; Ebsworth, Tim; Miller, Jonathan; Shah, Nimish; Martinez-Calle, Nicolas; Bishton, Mark; Everden, Angharad; Tucker, David; El-Hassad, Ezzat; Hennessy, Brian; Doherty, Dearbhla; Prideaux, Steve; Faryal, Rehman; Hayat, Amjad; Keohane, Clodagh; Marr, Helen; Gibb, Adam; Pocock, Rachael; Lambert, Jonathan; Lacey, Rachel; Elmusharaf, Nagah; Clifford, Ruth; Eyre, Toby A.. British Journal of Haematology Jul 2021 DOI10.1111/bjh.17513I
  • Ibrutinib for mantle cell lymphoma at first relapse: a United Kingdom real-world analysis of outcomes in 211 patients. McCulloch R, Lewis D, Crosbie N, Eyre TA, Bolam S, Arasaretnam A, Creasey T, Goradia H, McMillan A, Dawi S, Harrison S, Miles O, Robinson A, Dutton D, Wilson MR, McKay P, Follows G, Phillips N, Patmore R, Lambert J, Bishton M, Osborne W, Johnston R, Kirkwood AA, Rule S. Br J Haematol. 2021 Feb 23. doi: 10.1111/bjh.17363. Online ahead of print.
  • The addition of bendamustine to brentuximab vedotin leads to improved rates of complete metabolic remission in children, adolescents and young adults with relapsed and refractory classical Hodgkin lymphoma: a retrospective single-centre series. McMillan A, O'Neill AT, Townsend W, Lambert J, Virchis A, Shah R, Menezes L, Humphries P, Von Both K, Grandage V, Carpenter B, Hough R, Ardeshna KM, Daw S. Br J Haematol. 2021 Feb;192(3):e84-e87. doi: 10.1111/bjh.17274. Epub 2021 Jan 10.
  • Substituting Carmustine for Lomustine is safe and effective in the treatment of relapsed or refractory Lymphoma - a retrospective study from the BSBMT (BEAM versus LEAM)." Philippa Kelsey, Rachel Pearce, Julia Perry, Keiren Kirkland, Ruth Paul, Jonathan Lambert, Andrew Peniket, Ram Malladi, John Snowden, and Nick Morley. Bone Marrow Transplant 2020
  • Whole Body 3.0 T Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Lymphomas: Comparison of Different Sequence Combinations for Staging Hodgkin's and Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphomas. Latifoltojar A, Duncan MKJ, Klusmann M, Sidhu H, Bainbridge A, Neriman D, Fraioli F, Lambert J, Ardeshna KM, Punwani S. J Pers Med. 2020 Dec 16;10(4):284. doi: 10.3390/jpm10040284.
  • Megakaryocytes, erythropoietic and granulopoietic cells express CAL2 antibody in myeloproliferative neoplasms carrying CALR gene mutations. Hebah Ali  Ignazio Puccio  Ayse U. Akarca  Roshanak Bob  Sabine Pomplun  Wai Keong Wong  Rajeev Gupta  Mallika Sekhar  Jonathan Lambert  Hytham Al‐Masri  Harald Stein  Teresa Marafioti. International Journal of Experimental Pathology. September 2020.
  • Clinical outcomes and risk factors for severe COVID19 in patients with haematological disorders receiving chemo or immunotherapy. Thomas A. Fox  Ethan Troy‐Barnes  Amy A. Kirkwood  Wei Yee Chan  James W. Day  Selina J. Chavda  Emil A. Kumar  Kate David  Oliver Tomkins  Emilie Sanchez  Marie Scully  Asim Khwaja  Jonathan Lambert  Mervyn Singer  Claire Roddie  Emma C. Morris  Kwee L. Yong  Kirsty J. Thomson  Kirit M. Ardeshna. Br J Haematol. 2020. July.
  • Efficacy of RBAC in relapsed, refractory mantle cell lymphoma post BTK inhibitor therapy. McCulloch, R., Visco, C., Eyre, T.A., Frewin, R., Phillips, N., Tucker, D.L., Quaglia, F.M., McMillan, A., Lambert, J., Crosbie, N. and Rule, S. Br J Haematol. 2020. Feb. doi:10.1111/bjh.16416.
  • JAK2 ex13InDel drives oncogenic transformation and is associated with chronic eosinophilic leukemia and polycythemia vera. Patel AB, Franzini A, Leroy E, Kim SJ, Pomicter AD, Genet L, Xiao M, Yan D, Ahmann M, Agarwal AM, Clair P, Addada J, Lambert J, Salmon M, Gleich GJ, Cross NCP, Constantinescu S, O'Hare T, Prchal JT, Deininger MW. Blood. 2019 Oct 11. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Challenges in glucoCEST MR body imaging at 3 Tesla. Mina Kim, Francisco Torrealdea, Sola Adeleke, Marilena Rega, Vincent Evans, Teresita Beeston, Katerina Soteriou, Stefanie Thust, Aaron Kujawa, Sachi Okuchi, Elizabeth Isaac, Wivijin Piga, Jonathan Lambert, Asim Afaq, Eleni Demetriou, Pratik Choudhary, King Kenneth Cheung, Sarita Naik, David Atkinson, Shonit Punwani, Xavier Golay. Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery. October 2019.
  • Systemic mastocytosis: variable manifestations can lead to a challenging diagnostic process. Susanna Nallamilli, Aideen O’Neill, Andrew Wilson, Mallika Sekhar and Jonathan Lambert. BMJ Case Reports. 2019;12:e229967
  • HIV-1 remission following CCR5Δ32/Δ32 haematopoietic stem-cell transplantation.. Gupta RK, Abdul-Jawad S, McCoy LE, Mok HP, Peppa D, Salgado M, Martinez-Picado J, Nijhuis M, Wensing, Lee H, Grant P, Nastouli E, Lambert J, Pace M, Salasc F, Monit C, Innes AJ, Muir L, Waters L, Frater J, Lever AML, Edwards SG, Gabriel IH, Olavarria E.
  • Nature. 568: 244–248. March 2019.
  • Ofatumumab is a feasible alternative anti-CD20 therapy in patients intolerant of rituximab. Chen LY, Shah R, Cwynarski K, Lambert J, McNamara C, Mohamedbhai SG, Virchis A, Townsend W, D'Sa S, Ardeshna KM. Br J Haematol. 2018 Jan 24.
  • Relapsed Hodgkin's lymphoma in pregnancy: A case review. George-Carey R, Parisaei M, Koniman W, Pluckinski M, Lambert J. Obstet Med. 2017 Dec;10(4):183-185
  • Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (review). S Ninkovic and J Lambert. Medicine. Volume 45 (5): 297–304. May 2017.
  • Guideline for the investigation and management of eosinophilia. Nauman M. Butt, Jonathan Lambert, Sahra Ali, Philip A. Beer, Nicholas C. P. Cross,  Andrew Duncombe, Joanne Ewing, Claire N. Harrison, Steven Knapper, Donal McLornan, Adam J. Mead, Deepti Radia, and Barbara J. Bain. British Journal of Haematology: 176 (4).  February 2017
  • Comparison of PET/MRI with PET/CT in the Evaluation of Disease Status in Lymphoma. Afaq A, Fraioli F, Sidhu H, Wan S, Punwani S, Chen SH, Akin O, Linch D, Ardeshna K, Lambert J, Miles K, Groves A, Kayani I. Clin Nucl Med. Sept 2016
  • A retrospective comparison of toxicity and initial efficacy of two autologous stem cell transplant conditioning regimens for relapsed lymphoma: LEAM and BEAM.
  • Kothari J, Foley M, Peggs K, Mackenzie S, Thomson K, Morris E, Ardeshna K, Virchis A, Linch D, Lambert J. Bone Marrow Transplant, May 2016.
  • Treatment of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma with secondary central nervous system involvement: encouraging efficacy using CNS-penetrating R-IDARAM chemotherapy.
  • Maciocia P, Badat M, Cheesman S, D'Sa S, Joshi R, Lambert J, Mohamedbhai S, Pule M, Linch D, & Ardeshna. British Journal of Haematology, 172(4), 545–553, February 2016
  • Guidelines for the investigation and management of nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin lymphoma. Pamela Mckay, Patrick Fielding, Eve Gallop-Evans, Georgina W. Hall,  Jonathan Lambert, Mike Leach, Teresa Marafioti, Christopher McNamara. British Journal of Haematology: 172 (1). January 2016.
  • Autologous stem cell transplantation outcomes in elderly patients with B cell Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma.   Gohil S, Ardeshna K, Lambert J, Pule M, Mohamedbhai S, Virchis A, Morris E, Linch D, Thomson T, and Peggs K. British Journal of Haematology: 171(2), 197–204, October 2015
  • X-chromosome inactivation analysis reveals a difference in the biology of ET patients with JAK2 and CALR mutations.  Allen C, Lambert J, Linch D, and Gale R.​​​​​​​ Blood: 124 (13).  September 2014.
  • Autologous stem cell transplantation for follicular lymphoma is of most benefit early in the disease course and can result in durable remissions, irrespective of prior rituximab exposure. Kothari J, Peggs KS, Bird A, Thomson KJ, Morris E, Virchis AE, Lambert J, Goldstone AH, Linch DC, Ardeshna KM. Br J Haematol.(2014) May;165(3):334-40.
  • Prognostic role of PET scanning before and after reduced intensity allogeneic stem cell transplant for lymphoma. Lambert J, Bomanji J, Peggs K, Thomson K, Chakraverty R, Fielding A, Kottaridis P, Roughton M, Morris E, Goldstone A, Linch D, Ell P & Mackinnon S. Blood (2010). 115(14) 2763-2768.
  • In essential thrombocythemia, multiple JAK2-V617F clones are present in most mutant-positive patients: a new disease paradigm. Lambert J, Everington T, Linch D & Gale R. Blood (2009). 114(14) 3018-3023.
  • The production of JAK2 wild-type platelets is not downregulated in patients with JAK2 V617F mutant-positive essential thrombocythaemia. Lambert J, Gale R & Linch D. British Journal of Haematolology (2009). 145(1) 128-130.
  • The JAK2 V617F mutation and thrombosis (review). Austin S & Lambert J.​​​​​​​ British Journal of Haematology (2008). 143(3) 307-320.
  • Audit of the peri-delivery use of unfractionated heparin in women on therapeutic low-molecular heparin. Lambert J, Austin S, Peebles D & Cohen H. British Journal of Haematology (2008). 142(3) 453-458.