Twice as many men recover erectile function after improved prostate cancer surgery
24 March 2025
Publish date: 02 April 2020
Setting up a service so staff at UCLH can be tested for COVID-19 has been a big priority.
Over the last few weeks, we have rapidly set up a new service for staff – working with The Francis Crick Institute and Health Service Laboratory (HSL). With redeployed dental nurses swabbing staff, and a repurposed lab at The Crick, the innovation and commitment of all the partners and teams involved has been immense.
This new access to reliable testing will give staff the information they need to know whether they can safely return to work. Testing is offered to staff in high priority areas, with the aim to widen access as the service develops. The service aims to provide results within 24 hours, to enable our staff to return to work as quickly as possible.
UCLH chief executive Marcel Levi said: “While the service is for a highly targeted group of staff at the moment, it already is a real boost. We have been able to get staff back into work who would otherwise be required to self-isolate. As the service ramps up, and more staff can get back to work, we will see the difference it makes. Thank you to all our staff and our partners for the efforts made to get this service running."
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