Publish date: 13 February 2025

Komal Khuti-Dullaart is one of more than 300,000 patients using MyCare UCLH, our app and online service to help manage patient care.

Komal said: “The best thing about MyCare, especially for maternity patients, is that you have your maternity notes on your phone. This is a welcome improvement over having to carry paper copies to antenatal appointments. I like the convenience of having everything digitally within easy access.

“What I found most useful was the ability to access my scan results when I was pregnant. It was great to have them to hand whenever I needed them. The blood test reporting is rapid and delivered right to the app with a notification. No need to request results or having to wait to see them at your next appointment. And I also love the assurance of notifications and reminders for appointments and not having to wait for paper letters or phone calls. You get notified in the app.

More than 300,000 patients use MyCare UCLH (1).png
Komal Khuti-Dullaart, UCLH patient and chair of the Maternity Voices Partners

More than 300,000 patients now use MyCare UCLH. With MyCare, patients can check appointment details, receive test results and clinic letters, complete pre-visit questionnaires, and share parts of their health record with any healthcare professional when they need to.

To improve security and help the environment, appointment letters will soon be delivered in MyCare by default instead of printed copies in the post. Patients can easily update their settings if they wish to continue to receive appointment letters by post. See Digital appointment letters in MyCare UCLH.

Komal has also experienced using MyCare as a carer. This is one of the reasons she become a patient partner, to contribute to the patient’s voice and help find areas where the service could be improved even further.

Komal added: “I am also the chair of the Maternity Voices Partners at UCLH and speak to a lot of other patients in maternity. I am passionate about the MyCare app and looking forward to seeing additional features and improvements made over time. For example, making it easier to message and communicate with your care team and the ability to book or cancel appointments directly in the app, I am sure, will elevate it to the next level.”

The plan is for UCLH to link MyCare to the NHS app eventually, making it even easier to find and manage everything in one place. In addition, patients will be able to book, reschedule or cancel their appointments directly in MyCare.

You can use MyCare on your mobile, tablet or computer to securely view and manage information about your health and care at UCLH.

To find out more, see our dedicated section on MyCare UCLH.

You can also watch our short video below as an introduction to MyCare.

Dr Santino Capocci, consultant in respiratory medicine, said: “I’m a great fan of MyCare and encourage my patients to use it. MyCare gives patients reassurance that they can see their results, letters and appointments quickly and in one place, without having to wait for the post or look for paper letters.”