Publish date: 12 February 2025

We are hosting our public Live Q&A event on MS Teams. Our leading expert Dr Alex Kew will be online to answer questions about bites and stings including advice on prevention and effective treatment.      

Dr Kew infectious diseases Consultant at UCLH, working at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases (HTD) and sees, advises and treats patients. 

Anyone can join the live event, and you can post questions anonymously in MS Teams too, so you have the freedom to ask questions you might feel uncomfortable talking about in a different situation. It’s important to note that a live Q&A is not a substitute for a face-to-face consultation with a doctor and we will not necessarily be able to answer questions about your individual care. However, we hope that we can provide reassurance, answer any general questions you might have and point you in the right direction for further help.  

The live Q&A will be online for an hour from 11.30 am on 19 February 2025. You can add this event to your calendar links. Joining in is easy – you don’t have to register, simply visit this page on the day and click the "JOIN EVENT" button on the day.  


If you are unable to attend the live event but would like to submit questions now, we’ll do our best to have them answered when the event takes place, you can email your questions to  

Live Q&A sessions are just one of the ways UCLH is improving its online presence - as well as our website, we have a YouTube channel where we host all of our patient information films including full recordings of our live Q&A events.