The mylife™ App
The mylife™ app is available from Apple and Google Play stores. It is a free app that you can set up to use to calculate your insulin doses.
Setting up the app
You will need an email address to set up the app and you will have to create a password. You will also need to enter some settings before you can get any advice.
Enter the names of the insulin you use.
- Blood glucose units – choose mmol/L
- BG target value – we advise you to use 5.6mmol/L (below this the app will adjust insulin to avoid low glucose levels and above it will advise extra insulin to bring you back to 5.6mmol/L)
- BG target range – 3.6 -9mmol/L this is the target range for glucose levels. This setting makes no difference to the advice you get from the app.
- Minimum BG for calculation – 3.6mmol/L
- Correction factor – this is the same as the insulin sensitivity factor or ISF. The mylife™ app displays your ratios in reverse. So if you are used to seeing your ISF as 1 unit to lower by 2mmol/L. The mylife™ will display this as 2mmol/L for 1 unit.
- Insulin to carb ratio – entered as carbs for each unit of insulin, so if your ratio is usually 1 unit to 8g this will now be 8g carbs/unit
- Handling insulin on board – choose method 2. The app will deduct insulin on board or active insulin from a correction bolus only.
- Duration of insulin action – set this up as 2-3 hours. If you are not sure which you usually use check with the diabetes team
Sharing your data with us
To share your data, you can link the app through the mylife cloud to Glooko.
- Set up the app as above
- Go to settings and Personal Data. Scroll down to ‘Create new mylife Cloud account’ and follow instructions. This links your app to the cloud
- Log in to your mylife Cloud account on a laptop or desktop computer and set the time zone:
- If you do not have a Glooko account you will need to set one up here.
- Log into your Glooko account and click on Apps and Devices. Click on ‘Connect Ypsomed mylife’. Enter your mylife cloud username and password. This will connect your mylife cloud to Glooko. It will automatically upload once a day.
For more information
Page last updated: 08 January 2025
Review due: 01 August 2026