Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Memorial
In 2009, UCLH Arts & Heritage commissioned contemporary artist Carl Jaycock to create an art memorial project in celebration of the opening of the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Wing at UCLH NHS Foundation Trust. The artist worked in consultation with the thousands of staff at the hospital to create a digital mosaic artwork for the main entrance and the wards, combining the faces of the staff at the hospital to create a portrait of the hospital's Victorian founder, Elizabeth Garrett Anderson - the first female doctor in England.
Research for the project was supported by Jenny Loehnis, the great-granddaughter of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson, staff at Lawrence Room at Girton College, Cambridge and the Mary Evans Picture Library at Harvard College. The Wellcome Collection also supported the project.
About the Artist
Carl Jaycock is an artist based in Cornwall. The artist studied digital media and theory at Sussex University and the Lighthouse in Brighton. He then studied for an MA in Fine Art Painting at Birmingham City University. Carl has exhibited in over 100 exhibitions nationally and internationally, with many artworks in public and private collections worldwide.
Carl Jaycock's artistic practice experiments with traditional painting techniques and digital print-based media, exploring combinations of imagery brought together using digital processes. The use of photography as a recording tool has played an essential role in his practice of enriching image research material for artworks. Collecting, collating, and archiving cultural and historical material is always at the heart of his practice. He aims to raise questions in the viewer that reflect ideas about the contemporary period whilst paying homage to the artistic traditions of the past.

About UCLH Arts & Heritage
UCLH Arts & Heritage is the hospital arts and heritage project that serves UCLH NHS Foundation Trust and its surrounding community and is funded entirely by charitable donations and fundraising. UCLH Arts & Heritage is committed to providing a welcoming, uplifting environment for all patients, visitors and staff through the use of a varied and stimulating arts and heritage programme. Its work aims to improve the patient experience, boost staff morale, increase engagement with the arts and celebrate the Trust’s unique heritage and community.
Since 2005, UCLH has worked to improve patient and staff outcomes through the Arts. It does this in a number of ways, including a changing exhibition and music programme, creative workshops on wards, artist residencies, commissioning site-specific artwork, and a staff culture club. UCLH arts and heritage receives its funding from UCLH Charity and the Friends of UCLH.
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Email: uclh.uclharts@nhs.net
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