Our disclosure log publishes responses that we have provided under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). They are displayed by subject and in the order in which they were received. If you would like to make a request under the FOIA please check here first to see if the information you need has already been released.

If you have any comments or queries about the log please contact uclh.foi@nhs.net

Title Description FOI Category Date Received
Ref no FOI.2024.0385 Response FOI/2024/0385 - Immunoglobulin vials (by brands) distributed to patients Pharmacy 19/04/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0386 Response FOI/2024/0386 - Stonewall funding for 2022/23-2023/24 Finance 19/04/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0387 Response FOI/2024/0387 - Clinical coding episodes Trust services 19/04/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0377 Response FOI/2024/0377 - ADHD assessment/ referrals and rejections Trust services 18/04/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0378 Response FOI/2024/0378 - Office supplies contract Procurement 18/04/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0380 Response FOI/2024/0380 - Appraisal review/ Responsible Officer/ Revalidation Officer Human resources 18/04/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0381 Response FOI/2024/0381 - Proton Beam Therapy Centre material use, architectural technology and performance Estates and facilities 18/04/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0374 Response FOI/2024/0374 - Energy management system/ gas and electricity contract Estates and facilities 17/04/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0375 Response FOI/2024/0375 - Interview and assessment questions for HR Business Partner Human resources 17/04/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0376 Response FOI/2024/0376 - Advice provided on topical medication for eczema patients Patient treatment 17/04/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0369 Response FOI/2024/0369 - Autism services Trust services 16/04/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0370 Response FOI/2024/0370 - Senior staff details for workforce, finance and executive board Human resources 16/04/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0371 Response FOI/2024/0371 - Acute myeloid leukaemia treatment Cancer 16/04/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0372 Response FOI/2024/0372 - Contact details of e-learning department Human resources 16/04/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0373 Response FOI/2024/0373 - Allogeneic stem cell transplants/ ECP (ExtraCorporeal Photopheresis) service Trust services 16/04/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0368 Response FOI/2024/0368 - Treatment in renal cell carcinoma Cancer 16/04/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0365 Response FOI/2024/0365 - Specialist clinical systems to manage patients and patient clinical notes Information technology 15/04/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0360 Response FOI/2024/0360 - Radiology Information System (RIS) supplier/ contract/ staff details Procurement 12/04/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0361 Response FOI/2024/0361 - Recording RTT waiting times: Planned patients guidance Trust services 12/04/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0362 Response FOI/2024/0362 - Temporary staffing workforce systems and spend - 2023/24 Information technology 12/04/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0363 Response FOI/2024/0363 - Freedom of Information responses available for Mesh requests Patients 12/04/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0355 Response FOI/2024/0355 - Dietetics advice and guidance documents Trust publications 11/04/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0356 Response FOI/2024/0356 - Treatment with Durvalumab and Nivolumab for biliary tract/ non-small cell lung cancer Cancer 11/04/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0357 Response FOI/2024/0357 - Multiple myeloma treatments Cancer 11/04/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0354 Response FOI/2024/0354 - Staff details for estates and facilities Human resources 11/04/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0352 Response FOI/2024/0352 - Bed occupancy all sites November 2023 to March 2024 Estates and facilities 11/04/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0351 Response FOI/2024/0351 - Clinical coding department services Human resources 10/04/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0349 Response FOI/2024/0349 - Trust's operations and tele reporting services/ outsourced and insourced Trust services 10/04/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0347 Response FOI/2024/0347 - Paediatric elective surgical waiting lists Surgery 10/04/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0346 Response FOI/2024/0346 - Committee meeting management software Information technology 10/04/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0344 Response FOI/2024/0344 - Cancer diagnosis following A&E attendance 2018-2023 Cancer 10/04/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0342 Response FOI/2024/0342 - Single-use scopes for ENT procedures/ suppliers/ contract Procurement 10/04/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0341 Response FOI/2024/0341 - Robotic Process Automation (RPA)/ Intelligent Automation (IA) technology at Trust Information technology 08/04/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0340 Response FOI/2024/0340 - Medical devices/ EBME devices providers Procurement 08/04/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0339 Response FOI/2024/0339 - PACS, VNA, RIS, digital pathology and cardiology PACS systems Information technology 08/04/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0338 Response FOI/2024/0338 - Ophthalmology outpatient activity 2022, 2023 and 2024 Trust services 08/04/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0337 Response FOI/2024/0337 - IVF clinical unit/ embryology laboratory Women's health 08/04/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0336 Response FOI/2024/0336 - Special leave policy Trust policy 08/04/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0335 Response FOI/2024/0335 - Cancer diagnosis by gender and age 2019/20-2023/24 Cancer 08/04/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0334 Response FOI/2024/0334 - Insource and outsource provideres/ spend for pre and post covid Finance 05/04/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0333 Response FOI/2024/0333 - Elective treatment wait over 65 weeks Patients 05/04/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0331 Response FOI/2024/0331 - Master/ neutral vendor arrangement Procurement 05/04/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0330 Response FOI/2024/0330 - Off-framework agency spend/ staff contact details Procurement 05/04/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0329 Response FOI/2024/0329 - Metastatic renal cell carcinoma patients/ classification Patients 04/04/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0327 Response FOI/2024/0327 - Treatment of non-UK nationals Patients 04/04/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0326 Response FOI/2024/0326 - Treatment of Haemophilia B and Von Willebrand disease Pharmacy 04/04/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0325 Response FOI/2024/0325 - Spend on settlement agreements Finance 04/04/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0321 Response FOI/2024/0321 - Senior cover present in obstetric recovery Women's health 03/04/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0320 Response FOI/2024/0320 - Treatment for rare diseases; fabry, gaucher and pompe diseases Pharmacy 03/04/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0319 Response FOI/2024/0319 - Trust expenditure over £25,000 for January 2024 Finance 03/04/2024