Our disclosure log publishes responses that we have provided under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). They are displayed by subject and in the order in which they were received. If you would like to make a request under the FOIA please check here first to see if the information you need has already been released.

If you have any comments or queries about the log please contact uclh.foi@nhs.net

Title Description FOI Category Date Received
Ref no FOI.2021.0164 Response FOI/2021/0164 - Secondary school referrals to your CAMHS services Trust services 29/03/2021
Ref No FOI.2021.0165 Response FOI/2021/0165 - How many deaths from COVID-19 alone Covid-19 29/03/2021
Ref no FOI.2021.0157 Response FOI/2021/0157 - Copy of recruitment and selection policy and talent management policy Human resources 25/03/2021
Ref No FOI.2021.0158 Response FOI/2021/0158 - FOI Officer/ Manager and FOIA structure Trust policy 25/03/2021
Ref no FOI.2021.0155 Response FOI/2021/0155 - Confidential waste procured via tender, framework or other means Procurement 23/03/2021
Ref no FOI.2021.0156 Response FOI/2021/0156 - Copy of contract register Procurement 23/03/2021
Ref no FOI.2021.0150 Response FOI/2021/0150 - Strategic or operational workforce planning Trust planning 22/03/2021
Ref no FOI.2021.0151 Response FOI/2021/0151 - Incident of racist/xenophobic behaviour from patients towards staff in 2020 Safety 22/03/2021
Ref no FOI.2021.0154 Response FOI/2021/0154 - Babies born with weight 12lbs (5443g) or more - 2018, 2019, 2020 Maternity services 22/03/2021
Ref no FOI.2021.0148 Response FOI/2021/0148 - Policy for deletion, retention and disposal of user accounts, home drives and mailboxes for leavers Trust policy 19/03/2021
Ref no FOI.2021.0118 Response FOI/2021/0118 - Trust policy at NHNN for alternative medicine treatments for patients Trust policy 18/03/2021
Ref no FOI.2021.0146 Response FOI/2021/0146 - Doctors/ medical agency cascade Human resources 18/03/2021
Ref no FOI.2021.0141 Response FOI/2021/0141 - Whistleblowing reports and whistleblowing issues 2019-2020 Human resources 17/03/2021
Ref no FOI.2021.0143 Response FOI/2021/0143 - Single use blood pressure cuffs, SpO2 sensors, syringes and needles Procurement 17/03/2021
Ref no FOI.2021.0138 Response FOI/2021/0138 - Commissioning IAPT (Psychological wellbeing) services Procurement 16/03/2021
Ref no FOI.2021.0139 Response FOI/2021/0139 - Opthalmology services Trust services 16/03/2021
Ref no FOI.2021.0142 Response FOI/2021/0142 - Patient choice of catheter and treating CAUTIs Patients 16/03/2021
Ref no FOI.2021.0132 Response FOI/2021/0132 - Long Covid-19 clinics Covid-19 15/03/2021
Ref no FOI.2021.0137 Response FOI/2021/0137 - Live births and cord clamping Maternity services 15/03/2021
Ref no FOI.2021.0131 Response FOI/2021/0131 - Pest control Month of May 2020 and November 2020 Estates and facilities 11/03/2021
Ref no FOI.2021.0129 Response FOI/2021/0129 - Incidents, Serious Incidents and Never Events 2017/18 - 2019/20 Safety 10/03/2021
Ref no FOI.2021.0130 Response FOI/2021/0130 - Integrated Care Partnership/Provider (ICP) or Provider Collaborative Trust services 10/03/2021
Ref no FOI.2021.0125 Response FOI/2021/0125 - Video conferencing/ usage Information technology 09/03/2021
Ref no FOI.2021.0126 Response FOI/2021/0126 - Healthcare employee deaths Covid-19 09/03/2021
Ref no FOI.2021.0127 Response FOI/2021/0127 - Occupational Health and Wellbeing spend for 2015 - 2020 Finance 09/03/2021
Ref no FOI.2021.0123 Response FOI/2021/0123 - Maintenance contract/ service provider for rigid endoscope inventory Procurement 08/03/2021
Ref no FOI.2021.0122 Response FOI/2021/0122 - EMR system for sexual health, colposcopy and ophthalmology Information technology 05/03/2021
Ref no FOI.2021.0117 Response FOI/2021/0117 - Covid-19 infections in patients were hospital acquired Covid-19 04/03/2021
Ref no FOI.2021.0119 Response FOI/2021/0119 - UCLH’s IT vendors, IT budget, IT strategy Information technology 04/03/2021
Ref no FOI.2021.0120 Response FOI/2021/0120 - Guideline/ treatment pathway for Atrial Fibrillation and Deep Vein Thrombosis Patient treatment 04/03/2021
Ref no FOI.2021.0121 Response FOI/2021/0121 - Guideline/ treatment pathway for Heart Failure, Type 2 Diabetes, COPD and Asthma Patient treatment 04/03/2021
Ref no FOI.2021.0114 Response FOI/2021/0114 - Current mitochondrial disorders genetic tests Trust services 03/03/2021
Ref no FOI.2021.0115 Response FOI/2021/0115 - Age of mothers who have given birth over the past five years Women's health 03/03/2021
Ref no FOI.2021.0111 Response FOI/2021/0111 - Needle stick injuries and subcutaneous infusions Safety 26/02/2021
Ref no FOI.2021.0107 Response FOI/2021/0107 - Daily use of PPE/ incineration of PPE Infection control 24/02/2021
Ref no FOI.2021.0108 Response FOI/2021/0108 - Band 5 agency nurse rates and hours Human resources 24/02/2021
Ref no FOI.2021.0109 Response FOI/2021/0109 - NHNN - Neurosciences services at the Trust Trust services 24/02/2021
Ref no FOI.2021.0110 Response FOI/2021/0110 - Maternity unit closure to new admissions 2018, 2019 and 2020 Maternity services 24/02/2021
Ref no FOI.2021.0103 Response FOI/2021/0103 - Purchase of infusion pumps from 2005 to date Procurement 23/02/2021
Ref no FOI.2021.0106 Response FOI/2021/0106 - Number of staff who have declined the coronavirus vaccine Covid-19 23/02/2021
Ref no FOI.2021.0101 Response FOI/2021/0101 - Treatment of Head & Neck Cancer, Renal Cancer and Colorectal Cancer Cancer 22/02/2021
Ref no FOI.2021.0102 Response FOI/2021/0102 - Placement of an Naso-Gastric Tube for feeding using an x-ray Patients 22/02/2021
Ref no FOI.2021.0100 Response FOI/2021/0100 - DNACPR orders issued - March 2019 to January 2021 Clinical governance 22/02/2021
Ref no FOI.2021.0095 Response FOI/2021/0095 - Hospital accommodation for staff and new starters Trust services 19/02/2021
Ref no FOI.2021.0098 Response FOI/2021/0098 - NHS disciplinary procedures for doctors under the (MHPS) framework Human resources 19/02/2021
Ref no FOI.2021.0096 Response FOI/2021/0096 - Orthotics department Trust services 19/02/2021
Ref no FOI.2021.0092 Response FOI/2021/0092 - Bank/ agency staffing/ recruitment processing outsourcing model Human resources 16/02/2021
Ref no FOI.2021.0093 Response FOI/2021/0093 - Trust Staff Side Trade Union Agreement Human resources 16/02/2021
Ref no FOI.2021.0091 Response FOI/2021/0091 - Patients admitted with respiratory conditions - SARS-COV-2 Covid-19 16/02/2021
Ref no FOI.2021.0087 Response FOI/2021/0087 - Perceptions around Down Syndrome in antenatal care Women's health 15/02/2021