Our disclosure log publishes responses that we have provided under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). They are displayed by subject and in the order in which they were received. If you would like to make a request under the FOIA please check here first to see if the information you need has already been released.

If you have any comments or queries about the log please contact uclh.foi@nhs.net

Title Description FOI Category Date Received
Ref no FOI.2022.0318 Response FOI/2022/0318 - HIMMS Electronic Medical Record Adoption Model (EMRAM) level achieved at Trust Trust planning 08/06/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0315 Response FOI/2022/0315 - Role of patient safety specialists within the Trust Human resources 07/06/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0312 Response FOI/2022/0312 - Temporary agency staff spend Finance 06/06/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0313 Response FOI/2022/0313 - Assaults against staff resulting in injury Safety 06/06/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0314 Response FOI/2022/0314 - Use of herbicide containing glyphosate on hospital grounds Estates and facilities 06/06/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0310 Response FOI/2022/0310 - Numbers of referrals and rejected referrals Patients 02/06/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0311 Response FOI/2022/0311 - Senior staff details Human resources 02/06/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0309 Response FOI/2022/0309 - In-patient deaths Patients 31/05/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0304 Response FOI/2022/0304 - Histopathology labs that run immunohistochemistry diagnostic testing Trust services 30/05/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0305 Response FOI/2022/0305 - Ethnic minority categories used for Gypsy, Roma, Traveller groups Patients 30/05/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0306 Response FOI/2022/0306 - Policy and associates procedure using robotics Trust services 30/05/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0323 Response FOI/2022/0323 - Various Trust policies Trust policy 30/05/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0301 Response FOI/2022/0301 - Mobile and telephony contracts Procurement 27/05/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0302 Response FOI/2022/0302 - Treatment with conditions for rheumatology/ dermatology Pharmacy 27/05/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0303 Response FOI/2022/0303 - Hypoxic challenge testing Trust services 27/05/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0300 Response FOI/2022/0300 - EPRR Coordination of emergency/disaster management activities Trust planning 26/05/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0299 Response FOI/2022/0299 - Emergency planning software for major incidents Information technology 25/05/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0295 Response FOI/2022/0295 - Procurement Organisation Structure chart Organisational structures 24/05/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0296 Response FOI/2022/0296 - Breast cancer reconstruction and balancing surgery Surgery 24/05/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0297 Response FOI/2022/0297 - Mobile phones/ devices Information technology 24/05/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0298 Response FOI/2022/0298 - Hospital social workers Human resources 24/05/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0294 Response FOI/2022/0294 - IT systems validation document management system Information technology 23/05/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0292 Response FOI/2022/0292 - Locum agencies spend Finance 20/05/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0293 Response FOI/2022/0293 - Patients treated with Ponvory, Tysabri, Vumerity, Zeposia Pharmacy 20/05/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0291 Response FOI/2022/0291 - Critical care beds Trust services 19/05/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0289 Response FOI/2022/0289 - Nursing agency usage Human resources 19/05/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0287 Response FOI/2022/0287 - Device related delays in delivery of medication/ enteral feeding Patient safety 18/05/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0288 Response FOI/2022/0288 - Patient deaths awaiting discharge as inpatient Patients 18/05/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0286 Response FOI/2022/0286 - Fat-shaming complaints Complaints 17/05/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0284 Response FOI/2022/0284 - Tier 4 weight management services Patients 16/05/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0285 Response FOI/2022/0285 - Paediatric audiology Trust services 16/05/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0282 Response FOI/2022/0282 - Decontamination and infection control leads; risk assessment group meetings Infection control 13/05/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0283 Response FOI/2022/0283 - Enhanced disinfection methods to eliminate HAIs in theatres, clinical areas and wards Procurement 13/05/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0277 Response FOI/2022/0277 - Testing ECG (electrocardiograph) machines in use Imaging 12/05/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0278 Response FOI/2022/0278 - Surgical tables in use at Trust Procurement 12/05/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0280 Response FOI/2022/0280 - Applications or tools to communicate digitally with patients Information technology 12/05/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0281 Response FOI/2022/0281 - Staff training Human resources 12/05/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0276 Response FOI/2022/0276 - Biologic medicines within dermatology Pharmacy 11/05/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0273 Response FOI/2022/0273 - Proton therapy Finance 10/05/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0274 Response FOI/2022/0274 - Patient treatment for various conditions Pharmacy 10/05/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0275 Response FOI/2022/0275 - Biologic medications within dermatology Pharmacy 10/05/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0268 Response FOI/2022/0268 - Total bed management contract with Medstrom Ltd Procurement 09/05/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0269 Response FOI/2022/0269 - Allied health professionals job planning and junior doctor rotas software Information technology 09/05/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0270 Response FOI/2022/0270 - Local care record/ shared care record implementation Information technology 09/05/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0267 Response FOI/2022/0267 - Performance data for the CCG2 CQUIN - Antibiotic prescribing for UTI in adults aged 16+ Trust planning 06/05/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0266 Response FOI/2022/0266 - Drug Patient Level Contract Monitoring (DrPLCM)/ SACT cancer report Cancer 05/05/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0263 Response FOI/2022/0263 - Rheumatology prescriptions Pharmacy 04/05/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0264 Response FOI/2022/0264 - Funding and costs of Xtandi (Enzalutamide) Affirm Trial: NCT00974311 Research and development 04/05/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0265 Response FOI/2022/0265 - Internal magazines produced by the Trust Trust publications 04/05/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0258 Response FOI/2022/0258 - Financial management system supplier Procurement 03/05/2022