Our disclosure log publishes responses that we have provided under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). They are displayed by subject and in the order in which they were received. If you would like to make a request under the FOIA please check here first to see if the information you need has already been released.

If you have any comments or queries about the log please contact uclh.foi@nhs.net

Title Description FOI Category Date Received
Ref no FOI.2022.0633 Response FOI/2022/0633 - Radiology services procurement Procurement 17/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0649 Response FOI/2022/0649 - Contact details for Chief Executive Human resources 14/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0632 Response FOI/2022/0632 - Teleradiology services Trust services 14/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0630 Response FOI/2022/0630 - Patients exclusion at Trust hospitals Safety 14/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0629 Response FOI/2022/0629 - Off framework agency spend Human resources 14/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0628 Response FOI/2022/0628 - Diagnostic tests in pathology laboratory Trust services 13/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0627 Response FOI/2022/0627 - Employee job titles Human resources 13/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0626 Response FOI/2022/0626 - Anaesthetists employed at Trust Human resources 13/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0624 Response FOI/2022/0624 - ICT contract(s) for server hardware maintenance/ server virtualisation licenses Information technology 12/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0625 Response FOI/2022/0625 - Lung cancer treatment Pharmacy 12/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0623 Response FOI/2022/0623 - Integration/ workflow solutions across multiple technology systems Information technology 12/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0621 Response FOI/2022/0621 - Remote monitoring and virtual ward use Information technology 11/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0620 Response FOI/2022/0620 - Serious Incidents Clinical governance 11/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0616 Response FOI/2022/0616 - Corporate property and asset information facilities management Estates and facilities 07/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0615 Response FOI/2022/0615 - Vasectomy operations Surgery 07/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0614 Response FOI/2022/0614 - Medical devices/ EBME devices Procurement 07/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0613 Response FOI/2022/0613 - Healthcare workers on visas Human resources 07/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0612 Response FOI/2022/0612 - Blood transfusions from patients vaccinated with mRNA gene therapy Coronavirus Covid-19 07/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0611 Response FOI/2022/0611 - FTE staff, student staff, patients and attendances, bed numbers and occupancy Trust services 06/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0610 Response FOI/202/0610 - Expenditure over £25,000 for July 2022 Finance 06/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0609 Response FOI/2022/0609 - Parking for patents/ carers for children/ young people with cancer Estates and facilities 05/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0608 Response FOI/2022/0608 - Patient experience feedback Patients 05/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0607 Response FOI/2022/0607 - Mercaptopurine 50mg tablet usage in Trust Pharmacy 04/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0606 Response FOI/2022/0606 - Breathing circuits supplier Procurement 04/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0605 Response FOI/2022/0605 - Outstanding structural maintenance issues Estates and facilities 03/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0604 Response FOI/2022/0604 - Number of shifts using Thornbury Nursing Services Human resources 03/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0603 Response FOI/2022/0603 - Contract for IT disposal Information technology 03/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0602 Response FOI/2022/0602 - Number of patients admitted for lung diseases over a five year period Patients 03/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0601 Response FOI/2022/0601 - Admission for babies declined for level 3 neonatal intensive care unit Maternity services 03/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0600 Response FOI/2022/0600 - The number of point of care testing (POCT) devices Information technology 30/09/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0596 Response FOI/2022/0596 - Number of hospital buildings with structural maintenance issues Estates and facilities 29/09/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0595 Response FOI/2022/0595 - Committee meeting management software Information technology 29/09/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0594 Response FOI/2022/0594 - Hotels and taxis for out-of-area patients and their next of kin Trust services 28/09/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0593 Response FOI/2022/0593 - Trust membership of Stonewall's Diversity Champion programme Human resources 27/09/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0592 Response FOI/2022/0592 - A&E/ document management/ digital dictation/ scheduling IT systems Information technology 27/09/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0587 Response FOI/2022/0587 - Spend on ophthalmology outsourcing Trust services 27/09/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0541 Response FOI/2022/0541 - Serious Incidents Level 2 deaths/ serious harm Patient safety 27/09/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0591 Response FOI/2022/0591 - Maternity guidelines relating to obesity Maternity services 26/09/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0590 Response FOI/2022/0590 - Private patient unit revenue Finance 26/09/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0586 Response FOI/2022/0586 - Individuals who have sought help from GPs or addiction services in relation to addiction to pornography Trust services 26/09/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0585 Response FOI/2022/0585 - Racial abuse by patients towards staff Safety 26/09/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0589 Response FOI/2022/0589 - Multiple sclerosis treatment Pharmacy 23/09/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0588 Response FOI/2022/0588 - Oral cancer referrals Cancer 23/09/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0584 Response FOI/2022/0584 - Clinical negligence claims in the maternity department and damages paid Clinical governance 22/09/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0582 Response FOI/2022/0582 - NHS pension scheme - staff numbers opted in and staff opted out Human resources 22/09/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0581 Response FOI/2022/0581 - Spend on agency and bank staff Finance 21/09/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0578 Response FOI/2022/0578 - Nurses and junior doctors sick leave for anxiety, stress, depression Human resources 21/09/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0577 Response FOI/2022/0577 - Injuries relating to e-scooters, cycling and moterbikes Emergency services 20/09/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0576 Response FOI/2022/0576 - Medications within dermatology Pharmacy 20/09/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0573 Response FOI/2022/0573 - Use of WhatsApp by or within the Trust Information technology 16/09/2022