Our disclosure log publishes responses that we have provided under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). They are displayed by subject and in the order in which they were received. If you would like to make a request under the FOIA please check here first to see if the information you need has already been released.

If you have any comments or queries about the log please contact uclh.foi@nhs.net

Title Description FOI Category Date Received
Ref no FOI.2022.0698 Response FOI/2022/0698 - Nursing vacancies and agency spend and overseas recruitment Human resources 09/11/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0695 Response FOI/2022/0695 - Predictive analytics and staff details Trust services 08/11/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0693 Response FOI/2022/0693 - Complaints by volunteer participants of clinical trials/ studies Complaints 08/11/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0692 Response FOI/2022/0692 - Respiratory diagnostic equipment Procurement 08/11/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0691 Response FOI/2022/0691 - Staff details Human resources 08/11/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0690 Response FOI/2022/0690 - Spent on agency temporary staff in-house or outsourced Finance 07/11/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0689 Response FOI/2022/0689 - Agency temporary staff spend Finance 07/11/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0688 Response FOI/2022/0688 - Names of divisional director of Medicine and Divisional Director of Surgery Human resources 07/11/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0687 Response FOI/2022/0687 - Winter power cuts - written plan in event of a loss of power Estates and facilities 07/11/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0686 Response FOI/2022/0686 - Breast cancer patients Cancer 07/11/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0684 Response FOI/2022/0684 - Primary hip replacement Patient treatment 07/11/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0682 Response FOI/2022/0682 - Healthcare professional employee alcohol or substance Policy Trust policy 07/11/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0681 Response FOI/2022/0681 - Deep brain stimulation procedure Patient treatment 07/11/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0678 Response FOI/2022/0678 - NHS Trusts IT systems Information technology 04/11/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0696 Response FOI/2022/0696 - Trust complaints policy and discrimination and diversity policy Trust policy 04/11/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0679 Response FOI/2022/0679 - Theatre management, AA's and ODPs Trust services 04/11/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0676 Response FOI/2022/0676 - NHS charges to Haringey migrant residents Patients 03/11/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0675 Response FOI/2022/0675 - Drug treatment for Paediatric patients (ages 0-16) Pharmacy 02/11/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0673 Response FOI/2022/0673 - VNA systems Information technology 02/11/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0674 Response FOI/2022/0674 - Maternity locum staffing Human resources 01/11/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0672 Response FOI/2022/0672 - Data Centre Information technology 01/11/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0671 Response FOI/2022/0671 - Consultant programmed activities Human resources 31/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0670 Response FOI/2022/0670 - Overseas recruitment spend Finance 31/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0669 Response FOI/2022/0669 - Sexual harm prevention policy Trust policy 31/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0668 Response FOI/2022/0668 - Leadership roles Human resources 28/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0665 Response FOI/2022/0665 - Formal patient/ family complaints Complaints 27/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0664 Response FOI/2022/0664 - Physical assaults on staff Safety 27/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0663 Response FOI/2022/0663 - Migraine treatment Pharmacy 26/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0662 Response FOI/2022/0662 - NHS visitor charging for overseas under 18s Finance 26/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0661 Response FOI/2022/0661 - Heart failure Trust services 26/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0660 Response FOI/2022/0660 - Prostate cancer Cancer 26/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0659 Response FOI/2022/0659 - Number of vials immunoglobulin drugs Pharmacy 25/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0658 Response FOI/2022/0658 - Endoscopes or stack systems Procurement 25/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0656 Response FOI/2022/0656 - Reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC) Estates and facilities 25/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0655 Response FOI/2022/0655 - GIDS patients who have been prescribed GnRH analogues Patient treatment 24/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0654 Response FOI/2022/0654 - Cyber insurance Information technology 24/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0652 Response FOI/2022/0652 - UCLH palliative care policy Trust policy 24/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0651 Response FOI/2022/0651 - EPRR Human Resources Trust planning 24/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0650 Response FOI/2022/0650 - Teleradiology/ outsourced radiology reporting Procurement 24/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0648 Response FOI/2022/0648 - Telecoms infrastructure Information technology 21/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0647 Response FOI/2022/0647 - Quality Improvement team Human resources 21/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0646 Response FOI/2022/0646 - Endoscopic Retrogade Cholangiopancreatography Surgery 20/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0645 Response FOI/2022/0645 - Maintenance of endoscopes and associated equipment Procurement 20/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0644 Response FOI/2022/0644 - External suppliers for hybrid mail services Estates and facilities 19/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0642 Response FOI/2022/0642 - Staff musculoskeletal disorder sustained undertaking patient handling Safety 19/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0640 Response FOI/2022/0640 - A&E 12 hour wait time Emergency services 19/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0639 Response FOI/2022/0639 - Digital dictation, voice recognition, and medical transcription suppliers Information technology 19/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0637 Response FOI/2022/0637 - Breast cancer treatment Cancer 18/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0636 Response FOI/2022/0636 - Teleradiology reporting services Trust services 18/10/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0635 Response FOI/2022/0635 - Prescribed cannabis-based medicinal products Pharmacy 18/10/2022