We know that coping with diabetes isn’t always easy. But we’re here to help you.
We are a team of specialist doctors, nurses, dietitians, psychologists, play specialists and social workers supported by a team of admin staff.
Our values:
• We will put your child’s safety and wellbeing above everything else
• We will offer you the kindness we would want for a loved one
• We achieve through teamwork
• We strive to keep improving
Our nationally-recognised service helps children and young people (up to 19 years) with type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, monogenic diabetes such as maturity onset diabetes in the young (MODY) and steroid related diabetes.
- We advocate the use of technology to achieve the best possible diabetes outcomes
- We support children and young people to use insulin pump therapy including hybrid closed loop pumps
- Many of our children and young people use continuous glucose monitoring or flash glucose monitoring
- Children, young people, and their families are seen in MDT clinics at least 4 times a year
- Whilst we want to see young people face to face for most of their MDT clinics, we can also offer virtual and telephone clinics.
- We offer additional clinics that include nurse-led clinics and dietetic led clinics.
- We provide integrated specialist psychology support which includes groups such as Tree of life, navigating exams and transition to secondary school (GREAT group)
- We recommend that our families routinely upload their devices and can support families to learn how to interpret this information and adjust insulin dosages, in between their clinic appointments.
- We are unable to visit nurseries and schools for children and young people who live out of area. Support for staff (telephone support and diabetes education) will be provided virtually, with an expectation that any hands on training required will be done at the hospital.
We cannot manage diabetes without your help – the role of both parents and young people is vital. Our long-term aim is to encourage and support you to become an expert in your diabetes management.
If you want to find out more about what care for children and young people with diabetes should include and clinic outcomes, you can visit the National Paediatric Diabetes Audit (NPDA) website
Patient contact
Service management
Tracy Dowling
Other contact information
Clinical queries
Email: Uclh.cdorange@nhs.net
If you have an urgent concern, needing immediate advice, call 07940 476811. A member of the diabetes team holds the mobile phone, from 8am - 6pm, Monday to Friday. Outside of these times, the phone will be answered by the on call paediatric consultant
The diabetes team offer:
- Telephone clinic appointments (Wednesday and Friday afternoons)
- Joint nursing and dietetic appointments (face to face appointments on Friday afternoons)
- Nursing appointments – both video and face to face appointments (Wednesday afternoons)
- Dietitian appointments – both video and face to face (Wednesday afternoons)
- Psychology appointments
- Medical consultant/ MDT appointments – We have returned to having face to face appointments for all medical appointments
- Eye screening continues to be via your GP and the National Screening Programme
Diabetes nursing team
Email: uclh.cdorange@nhs.net
Urgent patient enquiries: 07940 476811
Diabetes dietitians
Email: uclh.cddietitians@nhs.net
Diabetes admin team
Telephone: 020 3447 9221
Email: Uclh.cdadmin@nhs.net
Psychology team
Telephone: 020 3447 9086/7932
Email: Uclh.capsychology@nhs.net
Changing an outpatient appointment
Contact the diabetes admin team on
Telephone: 020 3447 9221
Email: uclh.cdadmin@nhs.net
Children and young people's general services
University College Hospital
T11 (under 12-year-olds) and T12 (13- to 18-year-olds)
235 Euston Road
London, NW1 2BU
Outpatients Clinic:
Lower Ground Floor
Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Wing
235 Euston Road
London, NW1 2BU
GP contact
Other referral information
Please note: We are currently unable to accept any external referrals for transfer to our paediatric diabetes service.
We are now planning how we reopen our service to out of area referrals, after being closed for 2 years. If you wish to be referred to our service, you will need your GP or current diabetes consultant to write a referral. If we receive a referral from your GP, we will seek additional information directly from your current diabetes team to help us think how our team might best support you.
We continue to offer a service for those newly diagnosed children, presenting through our A&E; children with diabetes who move into the local area and families who would like one-off consultation for exercise advice with Francesca Annan, our dietitian (see Exercise management clinics below)
We know that exercise can present challenges for managing blood glucose levels.
There are 2 clinics run specifically to help children and young people manage exercise and Type 1 Diabetes.
Monthly exercise & diabetes management clinic
This clinic is held on the 4th Friday afternoon of the month and accepts referrals for advice about the management of sports and diabetes for patients who are not under the care of UCLH. The clinic is run by Francesca (specialist dietitian with sports nutrition and prescribing qualifications). Each appointment is an hour long and aims to provide advice specific to sports management to help manage diabetes and improve sports performance. The clinic includes an assessment of body composition, the creation of a sports nutrition eating plan and a review of the impact of specific sports on blood glucose levels. Members of the referring MDT are welcome to attend the clinic with families. These appointments can be held face-to face or virtually via MyCare.
Referrals to the clinic should be sent to:
Francesca Annan, Clinical Specialist Paediatric/Adolescent Diabetes Dietitian,
University College London Hospitals,
6th Floor Central,
250 Euston Road,
London NW1 2PG
Weekly exercise and diabetes management clinic
This is held on Friday mornings for children and young people who attend the UCLH children and young people’s diabetes service and run by is the paediatric diabetes dietitians. Each appointment is an hour long to allow time for a detailed discussion about exercise and sports management. In addition to providing sports specific advice, the appointments can be used to plan management for activity trips with schools and other organisations.
- A guide to choosing diabetes technology (Children and Young People's Diabetes)
- Carbohydrate counting using cup measures
- Coeliac disease and diabetes
- Dealing with high glucose levels; ABC (multiple daily injections)
- Dealing with high glucose levels; ABCC (hybrid closed loop systems)
- Dealing with high glucose levels; ABCC (insulin pumps)
- Drinking alcohol safely with Type 1 Diabetes
- Drinking alcohol safely with Type 1 Diabetes (Hybrid closed loop)
- Eating Well for Less
- Exam guidance for CYP with type 1 diabetes
- Exercise and activity - Multiple daily injections
- Exercise and activity management - insulin pumps
- How to build muscle with Type 1 diabetes
- Hypoglycaemia
- Ketones and Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)
- Looking after your blood glucose meter
- Managing exercise using Tandem T Slim and Control IQ
- Managing food, activity and Type 1 Diabetes: An introduction for newly diagnosed children and families
- Managing meals - a guide for multiple daily injections (MDI)
- Managing mealtimes using your hybrid closed loop system (HCL)
- Moving to Secondary School
- Mylife™ Bolus advice app
- Psychological support for children, young people and families living with diabetes
- Sick day rules - insulin pump therapy
- Sick day rules – multiple daily injections
- Snacking
- Steroid induced diabetes
- Tandem TSlim top tips
- Turning 18
- Under Five’s, Food, Activity and Diabetes
- What care to expect when transferring care to UCLH
- What is the Glycaemic Index
- What to do if my pump breaks