On this page...
- How is Blue Badge parking in Camden different?
- How can UCLH help?
- Where and when can I get parking dispensations?
- What information do I need to provide to get a parking dispensation?
- What to do if you get a parking fine
- How to find Blue Badge parking near the hospital I am attending
- Where can I get more information?
Key points
- Parking rules in Camden and Westminster are different from the rest of the UK
- University College London Hospitals have limited Blue Badge parking
- Outpatients who are Blue Badge holders can apply for a parking dispensation to allow them to park for free in some areas near the hospitals listed in the section below
- You can obtain a parking dispensation from our ground floor reception desks for your next treatment appointment before you leave the hospital or on the day of the appointment when you arrive at the hospital
- You can email or telephone for a parking dispensation to be sent to you in advance of your appointment.
Welcome to University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. This information leaflet explains the arrangements and rules around parking if you are one of our disabled patients (and a Blue Badge holder) and you have to attend an appointment at:
- University College Hospital at 235 Euston Road
- Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Wing at 25 Grafton Way
- University College Hospital Macmillan Cancer Centre at Huntley Street
- Hospital for Tropical Diseases at Mortimer Market
- Institute of Sport, Exercise and Health at 170 Tottenham Court Road
- Royal National ENT and Eastman Dental Hospitals at 47-49 Huntley Street
- University College Hospital Grafton Way Building at 1 Grafton Way.
Important information:
If your appointment is at any of our other hospitals, you do not need a parking dispensation.
There is no hospital parking at:
- University College Hospital at Westmoreland Street
- National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery at Queen Square
- Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine at Queen Square.
There are two disabled car parking spaces in the underground car park at National Hospital for Neurosurgery, Cleveland Street (the Pain Management Centre). These spaces must be booked in advance with the building reception team directly, by emailing uclh.
University College Hospital and most of our other hospitals are in the London Borough of Camden. We have limited Blue Badge parking. Camden Council operates different parking rules from the rest of the country (including extra restrictions for disabled parking) to reduce traffic congestion in the area.
Examples of parking rules that apply in the streets surrounding University College Hospital:
- Blue Badge holders cannot park in Resident permit bays
- Blue Badge holders cannot park in Paid for/Metered parking bays free of charge
- Blue Badge holders are not allowed to park on either single or double yellow lines.
Please refer to Camden’s website to see all of the Blue Badge parking rules in the Borough at: www.
- Scroll down the Home page to the Popular Pages section
- Click on Parking to be taken to the Parking page
- Scroll down the Parking page to the More in Parking section near the bottom of the page
- Click on Parking policies and guides to be taken to the relevant page
- Click on the Blue Badge parking guide (PDF).
Important Information:
Where parking bays do have to be paid for during the day, Blue Badge holders can park for an extra hour free of charge on top of any time they have purchased.
In partnership with Camden, we operate a special parking dispensation scheme for patients who hold a valid Blue Badge and are attending Outpatient appointments, Day Cases, Diagnostic appointments, Radiotherapy and our Emergency Department.
If you want to park free of charge near to the hospitals listed in Section 2 above, or in a University College Hospital disabled parking bay, you will need to apply for a parking dispensation which you will have to display with your Blue Badge.
Unfortunately spaces cannot be reserved.
Patients displaying a valid parking dispensation in addition to their valid Blue Badge are allowed to park on a single yellow line (without any loading ban yellow blips (chevrons) on the kerb) on the following streets:
- Capper Street
- Chenies Mews
- Gordon Square
- Gordon Street
- Grafton Way
- Huntley Street
- University Street
- Warren Street
- Whitfield Street.
In addition, patients attending appointments at University College Hospital at 235 Euston Road can park in the disabled parking bays at the rear of the hospital in Beaumont Place. Spaces cannot be reserved.
Important information:
Parking dispensations are not issued to able-bodied patients being driven to the hospital for their appointments by relatives or friends who are Blue Badge holders.
Parking dispensations are not issued to inpatients. Overnight parking is not permitted.
Parking dispensations are not issued to other visitors even if they are Blue Badge holders themselves.
On the day, in-hours:
University College Hospital – Main Ground Floor Reception:
- 07.00–20.00 Monday to Friday
- 08.00–16.00 on Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays
University College Hospital Macmillan Cancer Centre – Main Ground Floor Reception:
- 08.00–20.00 Monday to Friday only
Radiotherapy patients should request parking dispensation notices directly from the Radiotherapy department
Royal National ENT and Eastman Dental Hospitals – Main Ground Floor Reception:
- 08.00–20.00 Monday to Friday only
University College Hospital Grafton Way Building – Main Ground Floor Reception:
- 07.00–19.00 Monday to Friday
- 09.00–17.00 on Saturdays and Sundays
On the day, out-of-hours, weekends and Bank Holidays:
University College Hospital – Security desk in the University College Hospital Atrium
Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Wing – Reception
In advance:
In person: From any of the ground floor reception desks above during their opening hours
By emailing: uclh.disabledparking@nhs.net at least one week before your appointment
By telephoning: 020 3447 9922 at least one week before your appointment
Important information:
Dispensations are not required for parking in Camden or Westminster Blue Badge on-street disabled bays in the vicinity of our hospitals
In person on the day:
Bring the following to the reception desk:
- Your valid Blue Badge
- Your vehicle registration number
- Proof of your appointment date and time, e.g. your outpatient appointment letter.
In person for future appointments:
If you are given a follow-up appointment while you are in the hospital, you can obtain the parking dispensation for your next visit while you are still here. The reception team will need to see the following:
- Proof of the future appointment date and time
- Your vehicle registration number
- Your Blue Badge or alternately a photograph of your Blue Badge, or note of the following information on your Blue Badge: serial number, date of expiry and issuing authority.
In advance of future appointments via email or telephone:
If you are contacting us via email or telephone in advance of future appointments, to ask for parking dispensations, please give at least one weeks’ notice. You will need to provide the following information when requesting in advance:
Your Blue Badge details:
- Serial number
- Date of expiry
- Issuing authority.
Other information:
- Your name and hospital number
- Your telephone number
- Hospital building where your appointment will be
- Vehicle registration number
- Date of appointment
- Time of appointment.
Parking Penalty Charge Notices (known as parking tickets) will be issued to any vehicles that are parked unlawfully on the University College London Hospitals estate or in the surrounding streets.
If a driver receives a parking ticket they must follow the instructions on the ticket to pay the fine. Prompt payment will reduce the cost of the fine.
Drivers who wish to appeal against an issued parking ticket should follow the instructions on the ticket as soon as possible.
About University College London Hospitals parking facilities:
- Visit our website at: https://
www. uclh.nhs.uk - Telephone us: 020 3447 9922 (direct line)
- Email us: uclh.
disabledparking @nhs.net
About parking in Camden:
- Visit their website at: https://
www. camden.gov.uk/ parking - About parking in Westminster:
- Visit their website at: https://
www. westminster.gov.uk/ parking
University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust cannot accept responsibility for information provided by other organisations.
Page last updated: 04 September 2024
Review due: 31 January 2026